‘NCIS’ A Closer Look At Mark Harmon’s Feud With Former Co-Star

Mark Harmon appears in 'NCIS' | Courtesy of CBS

With the recent reveal of the brand new spin-off series NCIS: Europe, Mark Harmon appears to not be over his longstanding feud with his former co-star.

NCIS is one of the longest-running shows in television history. With over 450 episodes, the military police procedural has spanned across three separate decades. With that much history packed into one TV show, there is bound to be an on-set beef or two. For NCIS, Mark Harmon’s feud with Michael Weatherly was so prominent, that it appears to still be ongoing.

According to a source familiar with the former co-stars’ working relationship, Harmon still has very little patience for Weatherly’s behavior. “As far as he’s [Harmon] concerned, Michael is a toxic pain in the butt,” the source told Closer. “He’s nothing but trouble.” Even after years apart, Harmon still “considers Michael a loose cannon.”

The Details Behind Mark Harmon’s Feud With Michael Weatherly

Bad blood between co-workers is unfortunately a fairly common experience. Whether through a misunderstanding or a good old-fashioned heated disagreement, most beefs lead to relationships that are beyond repair. On the set of Community, Chevy Chase was so despised by Joel McHale that the pair were involved in multiple altercations. Luckily for NCIS fans, Harmon and Weatherly’s feud never got that bad.

Michael Weatherly appears in 'NCIS' | Courtesy of CBS
Michael Weatherly appears in ‘NCIS’ | Courtesy of CBS

In a 2007 interview with The Fulton Critic, Weatherly acknowledged some of his shortcomings on the set of NCIS. When it came to Weatherly’s interactions with Harmon, he believes it all came down to a difference in philosophy. “…Mark Harmon and I were on different poles,” Weatherly said. “I was Antarctica, he was the North Pole and he was just looking down there going ‘What is up with your polarity? What’s going on? The water goes down the drain the other way for me.’ And he was confused by my presence right from the get-go.”

On one particular occasion, Weatherly realized just how different he really was from his co-star. “When CNN Showbiz Today or one of those things asked what was the best part about doing the pilot when were doing the upfronts, I said, ‘I got a rubber gun and I got a fake badge.’ And Harmon looked at me like, ‘That is your CNN answer?’ And I was like a little kid who had one too many bowls of Count Chocula.”

Michael Weatherly’s Behavior Has Been Costly

In 2016, Weatherly exited NCIS to star in the legal drama, Bull. Following a successful season, CBS renewed the show and looked to secure its future. The show signed actress Eliza Dushku to a 3-episode contract, with plans to promote her to a full-time cast member. But when Dushku alleged that Weatherly made several inappropriate comments directed at her, Bull producers promptly ended her contract. After a lengthy investigation, Dushku was awarded a $9.5 settlement in the wake of her termination.

In response to his behavior, Weatherly apologized to Dushku in a statement to the New York Times. “During the course of taping our show, I made some jokes mocking some lines in the script,” Weatherly said in the statement. “When Eliza told me that she wasn’t comfortable with my language and attempt at humor, I was mortified to have offended her and immediately apologized. After reflecting on this further, I better understand that what I said was both not funny and not appropriate and I am sorry and regret the pain this caused Eliza.”

What do you think of Mark Harmon’s feud with Michael Weatherly? Let us know in the comments section.

Allie Johnson


  1. Think they need to get over it when it comes to difference of opinion, but we also need to see what both sides were saying in the first place and then put it in history. My philosophy is why get angry and upset over something or someone you can’t change

  2. Mark Harmon appears to be 1 step above everyone while Michael is just a narcissist fool. Bad combination.

    1. are you kidding? I love Michael’s added humor. Mark Harmon doesn’t seem to get along with many people! His whole is too big!

    2. It’s ‘narcissistic’ fool, BTW. Having dealt with Stage 3 Breast Cancer and Congestive Heart Failure in under 8 months, I support anyone who looks at life in a lighthearted way. Overly serious will kill you.

  3. Mark Harmon was the main anchor of NCIS…BUT Pauline Pierette and Michael weatherly were the fan favorites. How sad Harmon could not put the show’s interests above his own ego! Nobody is perfect, including Harmon.

  4. While I do love Mark Harmon, I don’t condone his behavior with his cast mates. The cast that has left over the years have been missed. I feel like the show has taken some large hits and has suffered a bit as a result. However, it will not prevent me from watching it. What I look forward to is the spin off with Tony and Ziva. 2 such cast members that are dearly missed. Wake up Mark, you are great but you really were not the most popular cast member, as indicated by the show still going in your absence on the screen.

  5. Weatherly’s character was an incarnation of his actual boorish, frat-boy behavior. It got old very quickly and NCIS got better once he left.

  6. Mark Harmon is a bitter man. He thinks he’s God’s gift. He brought a dark cloud over the series. I’m excited about the new series with Weatherly and Cote.

  7. harmons ego & his bullying tactics of other characters speaks volumes about the kind of person he is, he thought he was the only character that counted & everyone else was below him the egotistical fool & his treatment of the abby character in the end was disgusting. I dont know if anyone else noticed but a lot of females left ncis over the years it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out why from what i hear hes good at picking on women . Shame on him

    1. I read in an interview with Michael Weatherly that the first time Gibbs slapped Tony on the back of his head, it was Mark Harmon going off script. He said he didn’t agree with Michael’s acting methods and philosophy, and something made him so angry, that he slapped him. Then it became a humorous bit throughout the rest of Gibbs’ and Tony’s days on the show!

  8. I like both of them. They are complete opposites which makes it so good. I think Michael had a right to say what he wanted to on the interview. I think it was funny. Lighten up Mark!

  9. Given that Harmon had issues with both Weatherly and Perette indicates he’s the asshat here. The Dinozzo and Abbey characters made the show fir many years Gibbs is the counterpoint, but Harmon needs to leave the ego in his trailer. Funny how the show rocks on without him. Stay away jerk.

  10. If Pauly Perette and Michael Weatherly both had a feud against Harmon that should tell viewers something about Harmon. In fact, Harmon gets away with something that was much more serious than throwing a chair at the director. So if Thomas Gibson got fired from Criminal Minds, shouldn’t Harmon be fired from NCIS for allowing his dog to attack two network staffers?

  11. I love NCIS, and I love Gibbs, Tony, Ziva,Tim and Abby Palmer and Ducky. I’m sorry all the actors didn’t get along. That’s life but they all played their parts well and I love them all

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