Pat Sajak Mocks Sweetheart Couple In Failed Bonus Round

Pat Sajak-YouTube

Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak recently mocked a sweetheart couple after a failed bonus round. He has been known to be snarky when it comes to contestants. Yet, it was this particular couple whom viewers really empathized with. Read on for more details.

Pat Sajak Mocks Sweetheart Couple In Failed Bonus Round

He has a few more months left of filming, but Pat Sajak no longer cares what he says. Some Wheel of Fortune viewers feel that he should have hung up his hat before his contract was up. However, he is set to film until April 2024 and then Ryan Seacrest will take over for the upcoming season. Joining him will be longtime WoF veteran letter-turner and co-host, Vanna White after a long negotiation process. She was making far less than Sajak and had not received a raise in nearly two decades. Now, she will be around through 2026, allowing for some familiarity.

Pat Sajak Vanna White YouTube Wheel Of Fortune
Vanna White, Pat Sajak-YouTube

As for Sajak, it is clear he is ready to leave based on how he treats the contestants. He is short with them and sometimes rude though it appears he is trying to be funny. According to The Sun, a couple who was on for Sweethearts Week were mocked by the host. After twenty-five years of marriage, Don and Beth took a chance on the show. Quickly, they became fan favorites, winning $24,950, and went on to the bonus round. They chose “Phrase,” with the additional letters of HDM and A to go along with RSTLNE.

This was what their puzzle ended up being: “THAT’S’ ‘M_’ ‘_ _ _ T’”. Jon and Beth shouted out “That’s My Vent” which was incorrect as it was “That’s My Point.” When Pat Sajak came over to console them, he said this: “You were getting up to the P there. Well, you missed the point there, as it turned out.” Beth responded with a slew of “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.” Pat did note that they were great despite losing the ultimate prize of a car. This did not sit so well with those at home.

They Could Have Done It

Wheel of Fortune fans really liked Don and Beth as a couple and thought that they were really fun. Unfortunately, they seemed to side with Pat Sajak over the missing the point and the answer part:

  • “I’m literally yelling at my TV about this bonus puzzle on Wheel of Fortune that these two contestants failed to solve. I knew the answer within seconds as they were selecting their guess letters. Like omg.”
  • “Literally had so much fun watching Wheel of Fortune tonight, and I mean it.”

So, even though there was frustration that they could not get the answer, fans still enjoyed watching the show. It has been a struggle because, as aforementioned, Pat can be tough.

Did you get the solution or did you struggle like this sweetheart couple? More so, do you think Pat needs to be a little kinder to the contestants? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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