‘The View’ Whoopi Goldberg Slams Frivolous Hot Topics?

Whoopi Goldberg [The View | YouTube]

The View moderator Whoopi Goldberg slammed the frivolous hot topics. Certain topics that cause her to tune-out during the live broadcast. Whoopi is finally speaking out about it and sharing what’s been on her mind. She also shaded the producers while she was at it. Keep reading to learn more.

Whoopi Goldberg isn’t feeling the love

The View loves to discuss romance and relationships lately. However, Whoopi Goldberg isn’t here for it. She normally checks out during such conversations. The comedian tunes out whenever the panel talks about the latest episode of The Bachelor or romantic films like Love Actually.

In a previous broadcast of The View, Whoopi Goldberg asked the panel why people are so interested in the Christmas movie. She spent most of her time interacting with the studio audience. She didn’t listen to the panel’s thoughts on why they enjoy watching Love Actually every season.

Whoopi Goldberg [The View | YouTube]
[The View | YouTube]
Their co-host Sunny Hostin admitted that she never saw the movie before. She feels that the plot would be so loaded that she wouldn’t understand what was going on. Her fellow co-hosts encouraged Sunny to watch Love Actually this holiday season. As for Whoopi, she didn’t seem interested.

She checked out of the entire segment. Some of the fans in the audience loved that the Sister Act was interacting with them. However, the viewers at home called her “rude” and “annoying.” Whoopi Goldberg received major backlash from fans after she returned to the show last month after she recovered from COVID.

The View moderator hates talking about fluff

In the latest broadcast of The View, Whoopi Goldberg admitted that she hates talking about fluff topics such as love and relationships. She feels that there are more important topics to discuss on the talk show. Whoopi grimaced as she introduced a topic about dating during global inflation.

Millennials are changing the way that they date in the new economy. They took the phrase “cheap date” to a whole new level. They’re finding more frugal ways to enjoy quality time together. The Oscar winner could hide her distaste as she explained this topic to the audience.

The View Panel [The View | YouTube]
[The View | YouTube]
“The global inflation crisis has impacted society in so many different ways, and the Wall Street Journal looks at how it even spread to the way people are dating,” Whoopi Goldberg said. “Apparently, extravagant wining and dining is being replaced with frugal options.”

Whoopi Goldberg jabs producers over the frivolous topic

Whoopi Goldberg tried not to laugh as she explained the report. She caused a reaction from the audience. The actress jabbed at The View producers for picking this frivolous topic. She feels there are more important things going on in the world.

“And apparently, this is important enough for us to discuss!” Whoopi Goldberg said as she looked over at the panel.

Whoopi Goldberg [The View | YouTube]
[The View | YouTube]
This explains why she’s looked so boring during the show lately. Some of The View fans were amused at her reaction on Twitter. One shaded her for not supporting romantic relationships. The television personality prefers to discuss politics and controversial topics.

What are your thoughts on Whoopi Goldberg slamming the frivolous hot topics? Do you agree with her? Or, do you think she should lighten up when it comes to love? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Whoopi Goldberg.

Chanel Adams

One Comment

  1. I agree with Whoopi. When they start talking about these frivolous topics, I zone out too. It’s a waste of my time. There are other entertainment shows for that platform.

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