Theresa Caputo Calls Gucci Bag For 5 Month Old ‘Practical’

Theresa Caputo Calls Gucci Bag For 5 Month Old Practical [TLC | YouTube]

Theresa Caputo says a Gucci bag for a 5-month-old is “practical.” The Long Island Medium star came under fire this week for giving her granddaughter Michelina Rose a luxury handbag. And now Theresa is explaining her actions.

As TV Shows Ace previously reported, she spent time in Europe with her son Larry Caputo Jr. and his girlfriend Leah. At the time, the trio sparked engagement rumors. Fans couldn’t help but wonder if Leah had a ring on that finger. After all, they were in one of the most romantic cities in the world: Paris.

Now, Theresa claims everyone is making a fuss about her lavish gift from her recent travels.

Theresa Caputo Doesn't Get The Backlash [TLC | YouTube]
[TLC | YouTube]

Baby Michelina gets her first Gucci bag

Theresa Caputo caught controversy with fans with her granddaughter’s gift. She took to her Instagram Story to share an adorable photo of baby Michelina holding an emerald green Gucci bag. It was a repost from her daughter Victoria Mastrandrea. The handbag was small enough for the baby to carry, but some have to wonder if she really needs one at her age.

Fans thought the gift was “out of touch,”, especially with the current economic climate. Others thought it was silly for Theresa Caputo to give her granddaughter such a lavish gift at a young age. They worry if she’s spoiling her already. Theresa thought the gift was beautiful and fit her sweet little granddaughter.

Theresa Caputo Under Fire For Lavish Gift [TLC | YouTube]
[TLC | YouTube]
“Grandma came back from Europe with a Gucci bag for me,” Theresa Caputo’s daughter Victoria playfully captioned the post. “Thanks @TheresaCaputo.”

Long Island Medium fans caught wind of the post. Some of them slammed Victoria for showing off the expensive gift from her famous grandmother. Victoria has already dealt with her share of social media trolls since becoming a first-time mom. But it’s her mom who’s fighting back against the haters.

Theresa Caputo doesn’t see the big deal

The TMZ photogs caught up with Theresa Caputo at LAX airport this week. She rocked a cobalt blue bomber jacket that featured red and navy stripes along the sleeves. She also wore a white T-shirt and had her famous hair teased. Theresa told TMZ that she didn’t see what the big deal was about because to her it was a sweet and innocent gift.

The reality star argues that it’s a “practical gift” that’s also “the cutest thing ever.” She loved the photo that Victoria shared on Instagram. Theresa Caputo said the item caught her eye when she was on her first trip to Europe. She also made it clear that it was a wallet and not a handbag.

Theresa Caputo's Granddaughter Has Gucci Bag [Victoria Mastrandrea | Instagram Stories]
[Victoria Mastrandrea | Instagram Stories]
Theresa Caputo also got backlash on social media for the expensive gift. She doesn’t think it’s a big deal since it was under $1,000. The television personality thought it was a cute gift that could hold her pacifier. Theresa already got backlash for having long nails while holding her grandchild.

What are your thoughts on Theresa’s lavish gift for Michelina? Do you think it’s too much? Or, do you think it’s no big deal? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Theresa Caputo.

Chanel Adams

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