Al Roker’s Wife, Deborah, Talks Wild Murder Case She Covered

Deborah Roberts | YouTube

Everyone loves Al Roker, and his appearances on The Today Show are always a delight. However, his wife is just as successful as a journalist, and she has a new job that she is enjoying. Deborah Roberts now works as the host of 20/20: The After Show, a podcast. It launched this week, and she had a big story to tell.

Here is a look at Deborah’s story of a murder case she covered.

Al Roker’s Wife Tells Story Of Murder Case She Worked

Al Roker’s wife, Deborah Roberts, has been working as a journalist for decades. She worked on 20/20 as a correspondent for years, and now she has a podcast she hosts that is dedicated to the show. She recently shared the story of a murder case she covered “maybe a year or two ago” with many twists and turns.

Deborah Roberts - Rachael Ray Show - YouTube
Deborah Roberts – Rachael Ray Show – YouTube

Deborah says this podcast is special for her since it covers true crime and shares some “behind-the-scenes occurrences” that are cut out of the main show. “Those are always the most intriguing to me,” Roberts, 64, said. That is when she broke into the story of the murder case she investigated.

Deborah said this was the story of a woman who was married to the “love of her life” for many years (via Parade). “They had teenage children, and they maybe had drifted apart, but she felt they had a solid marriage.” However, as many people who follow true crime documentaries might guess, this husband lived a double life.

She said the “other woman” thought he was single with kids and his wife had died. She believed they were going to get married and planning a wedding. Since he was already married, this was impossible. Instead of just calling things off and getting out of the mess, he killed the other woman.

Deborah Roberts Talks About Covering This Story For 20/20

Deborah Roberts was assigned to cover the story, and she had an interview with the man’s wife after the murders were discovered. She said it was awkward with this woman whose husband killed another woman, and she was getting her hair and makeup done to talk about it on TV.

GMA - Deborah Roberts - YouTube
GMA – Deborah Roberts – YouTube

“[She] eventually just tells this heartbreaking story of learning that her husband was not only a cheater, but a killer, and just not the man she thought she had married,” Deborah said. That is when Deborah learned something horrific. The hair and makeup people had known the woman who was murdered. They were hired to do her wedding, which would never happen.

Deborah said 20/20 couldn’t put that in the episode because it was way off-topic, but it amazed her. The hair and makeup team they hired knew the victim of the murder they were telling the story about. “So that was one of those [moments] I would’ve loved to have shared with an audience. And anytime I tell people these behind-the-scenes stories, they are just absolutely riveted.”

Are you excited to hear Deborah Roberts’ new podcast, 20/20: The After Show, to catch more of these stories? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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