Fans Compare ‘Blind Frog Ranch’ To ‘Curse Of Oak Island’

Blind Frog Ranch | YouTube

There are a lot of reality television shows that fans don’t believe are real at all. When it comes to shows like Alaskan Bush People, The Curse of Oak Island, and Blind Frog Ranch, more people disbelieve the honesty of the stories than there are people who think it is all legit. Now, some people are debating which show is more fake.

Here is what many fans said about Blind Frog Ranch and Oak Island and their authenticity.

Fans Debate Reality Of Blind Frog Ranch

The one reality TV show that most fans both love and refuse to believe is true is Discovery’s Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch. The fans who love to watch a show they call fake do so because many of them feel it is “satire.” There are many fans who think that this show exists just to make fun of other treasure-hunting shows.

'Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch' - YouTube
‘Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch’ – YouTube

The big difference between this series and others is that it really delves into the absurd at times. The entire addition of paranormal aspects in a show about seeking to find gold and treasure is almost too juicy to believe. Because of that, fans watch every week to see what else will happen, even if it is as far from the truth as they can believe.

That is different from shows like The Curse of Oak Island. While Blind Frog talks about aliens, shapeshifters, and intense danger at every curve, Oak Island prefers to focus on history. While the mysteries of Vikings and Knights Templar play a big role, those are real people from the past, and the treasure hunters there use them as a basis for how the treasure was hidden.

Which Show Is More Fake – Oak Island Or Blind Frog Ranch?

Reddit post was started with Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch fans asking which show is “worse.” They said they are fans of the latter but will keep watching even though they feel it is fake. However, they also said they had quit watching The Curse of Oak Island already.

Blind Frog Ranch | YouTube
‘Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch’ – YouTube

This led to many fans discussing the two shows and which was more ridiculous:

  • “As each episode and season of Blind Frog airs I become more and more convinced that it’s not just scripted and staged but actually fabricated and fiction.”
  • “Yes. I like the archeological finds on OI. BFR, they find a gold coin…never talked about. BFR does not take leads to conclusion.”
  • “The best part of BFR is they don’t take themselves serious. As you mentioned we often see cameraman and crew. It’s all entertainment and good laughs.”

What are your thoughts on Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch? How do you think it compares to The Curse of Oak Island? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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