Jon Gosselin Corrects Report On Stephanie Lebo & Kate

Jon Gosselin, Stephanie Lebo - ET - YouTube

Jon Gosselin, formerly on TLC’s Jon and Kate Plus 8 often talks on podcasts about his relationship with his estranged children and his ex-wife Kate Gosselin. Five days ago, on The Domenick Nati Show, he said something about Stephanie Lebo, Kate, and the kids. However, it seems that it was misinterpreted. At the time, a lot of people took it to mean that Stephanie talked with his estranged children: Aaden, Alexis, Joel, Leah, and the twins, Cara and Mady. So, he corrected the report a few days later.

Jon Gosselin And Stephanie Only See Hannah & Collin

Hannah opted to live with her dad, and she still stays in contact with her siblings and her mom, Kate Gosselin. Collin, who arrived with him via the courts did not have much of a choice. However, they both seem to be decent young adults. Hannah planned for college and Collin went for a military career.

Jon Gosselin from Instagram, Collin and Hannah Gosselin
Jon Gosselin from Instagram, Collin, and Hannah Gosselin

The original discussion about Stephanie Lebo and the estranged kids arose when the former Jon and Kate Plus 8 star talked about marrying Stephanie. Asked if he would invite the kids, he said that they probably wouldn’t come. But it seems that he was open to sending invites. Then he started talking about communicating between the two families. But now that was retracted and he clarified that Stephanie has not spoken to any of the estranged family members.

Correcting A Report About Kate Gosselin & Kids

At about the 1: 40 mark in the video below, Jon Gosselin talked about the estranged kids talking to Hannah, and it sounded as if his girlfriend had been in contact with them and with Kate Gosselin. It seemed that way because Hannah is the only one in the family who talks to everyone, she was able to get Stephanie Lebo to engage. Jon said that they won’t talk to him but they do chat to others. However, that statement was corrected on July 23.

Kate Gosselin from 'Kate Plus Date.' (Credit TLC/YouTube)
Kate Gosselin – TLC – YouTube

Speaking with The Sun, the former TLC star and Stephanie Lebo said that they are open to talking to the kids, but it has not happened yet. The same goes for Kate Gosselin. Stephanie told the outlet:

I am not on speaking terms with Kate, but I am not against the idea of speaking to Kate, if the opportunity arises.

Meanwhile, the former TLC star said, “If they have the opportunity to speak to each other, I think that would be great only because we’re trying to build a relationship with the other kids.” He added, “And, I think it’s important that we all become united and that it becomes a bigger, extended family.” Then, he also mentioned that he wouldn’t stand in the way of them communicating with Stephanie Lebo.

It seems that although he was the one who spoke about it on The Domenick Nati Show, there might have been a misunderstanding. In fairness though, he was answering rapid-fire questions. Jon Gosselin said that there haven’t been “full-on conversations at all,” adding, “That’s false.”

What are your thoughts on Jon Gosselin confirming that there was no conversation happening between his estranged kids, Kate Gosselin, and his girlfriend, Stephanie Lebo? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your news about the former cast from TLC’s Jon and Kate Plus 8. 

James Michael

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