Mama June Fans Spot Staged Scene, Call Production Out

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June fans have spotted a staged scene from the latest episode of Family Crisis. Though the cast claims the reality series is anything but fake, this seems to not be entirely true. So, what scene was clearly set up by production and what was the reaction to this? Keep reading for more details.

Mama June Fans Spot Staged Scene, Call Production Out

Despite saying From Not to Hot and Family Crisis is not staged, viewers are skeptical as they think some storylines are set up. This is not far-fetched as lies have been exposed throughout the years. Two of the most notable ones are they do not film in Pumpkin’s real home due to space reasons. So, a show home is provided by the network while filming. Another untruth is that Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson lived with Pumpkin until graduation. However, it came out that she moved in with her boyfriend, Dralin Carswell at 16. More so, she may have lived with her other sister, Jessica Shannon at one point.

Mama June, Alana Thompson, Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird, Jessica Shannon-YouTube
Mama June, Alana Thompson, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird, Jessica Shannon-YouTube

Viewers are also over the way that the cast overacts in scenes, especially Pumpkin. They have called her out numerous times for this. Finally, the way that the cast acts on the show is polar opposite to their behavior in real life and on social media. Now, Family Crisis is in a tough spot, Anna Cardwell has just passed, and everyone is in the processing phase. However, a very observant viewer noticed a staged scene in a recent episode where June is on the phone. Only there is no one on the other end.

So fake look at the phone
byu/Far_Ad_4382 inMamaJuneFromNotToHot

This was so baffling that a Reddit thread was started to discuss what the OP saw. They could not believe it but what did followers think of this?

  • This is what I don’t get about the show. They have a ton of real material there’s no reason to add in all this fake bs and the bad acting.
  • You couldn’t tell from the sh*t eating smirks they both have whenever they are “acting out a scene” for production? 🤔

No Surprise

For many Family Crisis fans, this was no surprise that Mama June was openly speaking into a phone with no one on the other end. They felt many things about her were fake and some did not hold back with their thoughts about the reality star:

  • June LOVES to come across as some saintly, pure individual mother of the year in the confessional segments, when in reality it’s heavily scripted, and all for show. Scamming and grifting at its finest.

Another called June out for everything that is fake on her from her lashes to her hair to her veneers and more. Plus, they noted that the dispute she has been clean as long as she claims so it is hard to believe anything she says or does is ever genuine or real.

Did you notice Mama June on a fake phone call or did you miss that while watching the show? More so, do you think any of these people are real or are they just there to get paid? Let us know and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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