Simon Cowell’s Netflix Boyband Hunt Cancelled, Why?

Simon Cowell signed a deal to find a new boyband to replace One Direction, but the new talent show, called The Midas Touch ran into problems. Some auditions were cancelled. Read on to find out what the problem might be.

Auditions Cancelled For The Midas Touch?

In March, the bare bones of the new show revealed that Simon was in talks with various people about a new talent show. Netflix was mentioned, as was Apple and Prime Video. One Direction fans seemed unimpressed. They still hate on the former American Idol judge for saying that Harry Styles was hard to work with.

Harry Styles/YouTube
Harry Styles/YouTube

Simon Cowell advertised in the UK for auditions. In early June, billboards went up calling for talent to apply. However, the notices warned people that only serious musicians and singers would be considered. They were set to kick off in Newcastle on July 4 and 5. Then, the auditions would move to Liverpool, Dublin and London. However, the Liverpool auditions were canceled, per The Sun.

Simon Cowell’s The Midas Touch Has Problems

The outlet confirmed that the new Netflix show is called The Midas Touch. However, the first auditions were “quietly axed, shrinking the number of auditions from nine to seven.” That seems strange, as in the initial news release, it seemed as if the search for a boyband might be global. Perhaps people still remember the ugly bust-up between One Direction and Simon.

Simon Cowell - Youtube
Simon Cowell – YouTube

Simon Cowell understood that it might not be all that easy to put together a diverse bunch of boys for a successful boyband, Still, he was willing to take the risk. However, he did worry that people might not even turn out for the auditions. Newcastle appealed to him because, according to him, it’s a “fun” place. In fact, he’s’ been shouting out the local food. Perhaps his fears that nobody would audition came true.

Why Cancel The Netflix Auditions?

The official word from the reps is that the venues were not booked because of their “travel schedule.” However, the outlet also noted that the former X-Factor star had:

been forced to take the unusual step of promoting the call-out itself by booking TikTok and Instagram stars to plug the opportunity. Producers reached out to a number of creators and asked them to post content about the try-outs.

What are your thoughts about Simon Cowell running into problems with his hunt for quality singers to form a new boyband? Do you believe that cancellations are all about their travel schedule? Or, do you think nobody wants to end up in a big fight like Harry Styles? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your news about Netflix shows

Update: It has been revealed that he will be doing auditions in Liverpool.

James Michael

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