Joan Vassos Predicts Mockery After ‘Golden Bachelorette’

Joan Vassos - ABC - YouTube

Joan Vassos is the first Golden Bachelorette lead and ABC fans are keen to see if she finds love. The Bachelor Nation star left The Golden Bachelor in Week 3, so she has some reality TV experience, but will she be mocked for looking for love on reality TV? Certainly, she seems to think so.

Joan Vassos Had To Leave The Golden Bachelor

Bachelor Nation fans didn’t get to know the school administrator very well before she left Gerry Turner’s season. Some show fans slammed her because she rushed home to be with her daughter. However, others liked that she put her family first when they needed her.

Gerry Turner and Joan Vassos/Credit: ABC YouTube
Gerry Turner and Joan Vassos/Credit: ABC YouTube

Joan Vassos got her second chance at finding love when Jesse Palmer called her up on Zoom. Fans who liked her reacted well to the news. Of course, being the Golden Bachelorette is a life-changing event for the 61-year-old grandmother who lost her husband, John to pancreatic cancer. But it will probably come with a price when she returns to the school.

Golden Bachelorette Lead Talks About Being Mocked

As the Bachelor Nation star works at an all-boys school, she predicts that there will be mockery. Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, she said:

I’m gonna probably get a lot of ridicule. People are gonna make a lot of fun of me when I go back to work, but I signed up for this and I don’t care. He’s there and he’s handsome and I gotta make sure he’s a good kisser.

Joan Vassos via Youtube
Joan Vassos – Golden Bachelor – YouTube

Joan Vassos had a discussion with her family, who also seemed to feel that seeing an older woman kissing might be cringe. She added “[My family seems] a little worried that I’m gonna kiss somebody on TV. That could happen. I promised I wouldn’t, but I think I lied.”

Furthermore, The Golden Bachelorette feels that it seems “unfair” of them to ask that of her. This is a chance to find a partner to share the rest of her life. So, she most likely will “kiss a man or two on TV.”

Does Her Family Support The Golden Bachelorette Lead?

Despite them not wanting their mom to kiss a man on TV it seems that the family fully supports her journey to find love. They already saw her play a small part in Gerry Turner’s search on The Golden Bachelor. As for her husband, she believes that he would want her to do the Bachelor Nation show.

What are your thoughts about Joan Vassos anticipating that a lot of mockery will go her way at work? Are you surprised that she is even planning on returning to the school? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Golden Bachelorette news.

James Michael

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