Ryan Seacrest’s Shocking ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Paycheck Revealed

Ryan Seacrest-YouTube

Ryan Seacrest’s shocking Wheel of Fortune paycheck has been revealed. The new host of the popular game show will officially take over come September 2024. So, how much will he be taking home when he begins his new gig? Keep reading for more details.

Ryan Seacrest’s Shocking Wheel Of Fortune Paycheck Revealed

Pat Sajak has helmed Wheel of Fortune alongside Vanna White for the last forty-one seasons. Then, in June 2023, he shared he was retiring in June 2024. That meant the search was on for the new host and there were many viable candidates. In the end, Ryan Seacrest was chosen and it made a lot of sense. He has been a host extraordinaire having hosted on Live With Kelly. More so, he has been the host of American Idol since its inception in 2002 and has his own radio show. Essentially, there is nothing Ryan cannot do and he was up for the challenge.

Ryan Seacrest-YouTube
Ryan Seacrest-YouTube

Some diehard game show fans are not completely convinced that he is the right choice. Yet, that is something he will just have to prove when the time comes. However, the production company seems to really believe in what Ryan will bring to the table. His salary for his first season hosting Wheel of Fortune has been revealed and it is quite a pretty penny. According to Radar Online, Ryan is set to earn twenty-eight million dollars. Keep in mind that Pat Sajak only made fifteen million each season. That caused Vanna White to head into hefty contract negotiations.


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She had not seen a raise in almost two decades and made just three million per year which was a pittance compared to Pat. Now, she has a solid contract through 2026 which will allow fans to feel some stability when Ryan Seacrest comes on board. Back to Ryan, the money he will allegedly make on Wheel of Fortune is a huge upgrade. Apparently, he earns just twelve million for his American Idol gig so this is a big step up.

Not Watching Anymore

Though the money says Ryan Seacrest is worth it, Wheel of Fortune fans do not agree. As aforementioned, many are not thrilled with the casting choice and have had no problem expressing this:

  • I won’t be watching any longer
  • There goes a great show down the drain.
  • Seacrest is overexposed and has worn out his welcome on American media. I probably won’t be watching Wheel once the next season starts.

As to how many viewers mean what they are saying is yet to be seen. Hopefully, they will give Ryan a chance to prove he can be the host with the most.

What do you think of Ryan’s paycheck? Is it too much or just enough? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. i think its bull shit ryan seacrust not worthy and 28 million dollars is too much to pay some one who doesnt deserve that pay grade and venna white deseves 28 million pay grade over ryan and honestly i think steve harvey woulda been a way better fit at 28 million pat grade thats just me

    1. Steve Harvey? This is a family show, Steve is a little crude. We haven’t watched family feud with our kids since he took over.

    2. I agree people are going to stop watching the Wheel one Ryan takes over he’s a bad fit for this show. i.hate to see them loos ratings because of him.

    3. Absolutely, YES! Ryan “Seacrest Out!” and every (actor/producer/director/camera person/host/ect.) in the Hollywood industry deserve as much as they can possibly negotiate in their contract. Every single person commenting otherwise, is simply JEALOUS! It’s that simple! Pay them all as much money as they can negotiate with bonuses too including their attorney’s negotiating these contracts.

  2. I think he is worth every penny! Glad Vanna also got an overdue well deserved raise. I hope she also asked for a yearly bonus! Ryan will do great stepping into Pat’s shoes and I will be excited to watch the next season.

  3. I will give Ryan a chance by watching two shows. Then I’ll make my mind up whether I’m continuing to watch or not. The amount of money Ryan will be earning is insane. It definitely shouldn’t be more than Vanna. I think Andy Cohen would have been a better choice.

  4. 15 million dollars was plenty for Pat Sajak….who didn’t have great one liners and was often critical when a guest won any real money on the show. One major issue often ignored is WHO REALLY MAKES THE SHOW TICK. Well how about the guest contestants who are continually shafted on a wheel where the MILLION DOLLAR WEDGE is now a third of a wedge smothered in two bankrupts which often pop up way too often for the guests to win REAL money. Without the guests contestants there IS NO SHOW. They should be winning more money rather than OVER PAY a new host who really shouldn’t be paid more than Pat Sajak and the guests often go home with nothing more than just a few thousand dollars.

  5. I think the show will do great with Ryan.
    He is funny and very quick witted. In this day and time, isn’t this what we all need to brighten our days

  6. I will give Ryan a chance to see how he does, that being said, I feel 28 Million is way to much. I’m sure he would of been happy with 15 million since that is above what he makes on American Idol. I’m sure when Pat finds out, and Vanna too, they would not be very happy. I’m just glad that they gave Vanna a raise, she deserved it a lot sooner

  7. YES… 💵$💵$💵 Every single person commenting otherwise, is JEALOUS!
    Ryan “Seacrest Out” and every (actor, producer, director, host, Etc.,) in every industry deserves as much money as they can possibly negotiate in their contract.
    Everyone should get paid 💵💵 as much money as they can possibly have with bonuses; including how much money their attorney’s make who are negotiating these contracts.
    There are obviously SO MANY JEALOUS PEOPLE commenting and revealing their true selfish attitudes towards others success and wealth.

  8. I think STEVE HARVEY, would have been the perfect choice hosting the show since, most Seniors and Baby boomers grew up watching him on television.
    Nothing against Ryan, but time will tell!

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