‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Pat Sajak Ready To Show Off Acting Chops

Pat Sajak-YouTube

Retired Wheel of Fortune host, Pat Sajak is ready to show off his acting chops. Now that he is done with his game show days, he is ready for another closeup. So, what does Pat have planned now that he is done with the wheel? Keep reading for more details.

Wheel Of Fortune Pat Sajak Ready To Show Off Acting Chops

Pat Sajak has taken his final bow as the host of Wheel of Fortune. His last episode aired on Friday, June 7th and, in September 2024, Ryan Seacrest will take over. Vanna White will still be a part of the long-running game show as her contract runs through 2026. Many viewers were sad to see the end of an era when Pat exited the series but he won’t be sitting around doing nothing. The seventy-seven-year-old father of two has a new project that he is working on and it is very exciting.

Pat Sajak-YouTube
Pat Sajak-YouTube

Pat will be showing off his acting chops in a new production, according to People. He will star in a play entitled Prescription: Murder at The Hawaii Theater in the Summer of 2025. More so, he will do it along with his dear friend, Joe Moore, who is a newscaster for KHON-TV Hawai’i. It is based on the William Link and Richard Levinson play that was later the hit television series, Columbo. It is a very sweet move on behalf of Pat and Joe, who are said to be volunteering their time to this project.

Joe Moore, Pat Sajak-The Hawaii Theater
Joe Moore, Pat Sajak-The Hawaii Theater

President and CEO of Hawaii Theatre Center, Gregory D. Dunn had this to say about Pat Sajak and Joe Moore being involved in Prescription: Murder:

“Pat Sajak and Joe Moore are longtime friends from their service in the army in Vietnam. Joe Moore is Hawaii’s leading broadcast anchor. He’s been on the KHON 2 news for decades, and he and Pat still enjoy acting together. So through his relationship with Joe, Pat has been invited to perform at The Hawaii Theatre, which is the state’s premier historic performing art venue for several years.”

He went on to add that they do not receive any state, city, or federal funding so this is not inexpensive to maintain. Therefore, having Pat and Joe give their time is really beneficial. The two men will do rehearsals via Zoom as they live in different places. Then, they will not receive any compensation plus the men will bring in donors to “help underwrite the program.”

Come To Hawaii

With Pat Sajak coming to Hawaii for this show, the hope is that tourists will want to come and see his performance. Gregory D. Dunn added:

“We’re hoping that people that reside either in the mainland or internationally will consider a trip to Hawaii and take advantage of the opportunity to see Pat on stage.”

Tickets are currently available for Prescription: Murder with the first show on July 31st, 2025. It runs through August 10th and they start at $20. However, $75 VIP tickets include the best seats as well as a meet and greet with a personal photo opportunity with the stars. Finally, fans can get an autographed playbill.

Is this something that you’d like to see the former Wheel of Fortune host do? Or, are you just happy that he has found something to occupy his time? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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