Ellen DeGeneres Planning Huge Comeback

Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube

Ellen DeGeneres has been sitting at home not going anything for two years since The Ellen DeGeneres Show ended. She faced backlash and scrutiny based on rumors of a toxic workplace on her show. However, after two years of sitting at home, Ellen is now planning her huge comeback.

Here is what you need to know about Ellen’s big comeback plans.

Ellen DeGeneres Planning Entertainment Comeback

Ellen DeGeneres seems to be planning a comeback. However, this doesn’t mean that she is coming back to television. “Why would she go back?” one Hollywood insider asked. “She accomplished so much, she made great entertainment. She has refocused her life and her priorities” (via Page Six).

Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show / YouTube
Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube

However, Ellen seems to be planning a big return in a different way. Ellen is doing one last Netflix comedy special, which she says will be the last one she ever does. However, after that, she plans to start the next phase of her career and begin her official comeback.

Ellen is hitting the road and doing standup again on a tour called Ellen’s Last Stand . . . Up. One anonymous friend of Ellen said, “She needed some time to recover. But she’s an artist, she wants to entertain — she can’t just sit at home.”

A second friend said that Ellen is a comedian and she wants to get her life back and talk about things that happened to her. They compared her to Jerry Seinfeld who does stand-up all the time. In the comparison, they said she will get back on the stage and keep entertaining her fans in her own private space.

Ellen DeGeneres Trying To Rebound From Toxic Workplace Accusations

Ellen DeGeneres had the reputation as one of the nicest people on television during most of her daytime talk show’s run. Her catchphrase was even “Be Kind.” This made it a shock when she faced backlash for alleged toxic workplace conditions, racism, fear, and intimidation on her show.

Ellen DeGeneres [The Ellen Show | YouTube]
[The Ellen Show | YouTube]
Ellen denied all accusations and said that she wanted her crew to talk to her and “look me in the eye.” This was in response to accusations that she wouldn’t allow people who worked for her to look her in the eyes. There were some former guests on the show who backed up these claims, but other celebrities who came to her defense.

Ellen did a standup act in April and called herself the “most hated person in America.” She claims she was kicked out of showbusiness twice, first when her 90s sitcom was canceled and now again. “Eventually they’re going to kick me out for a third time because I’m mean, old and gay,” she said.

What are your thoughts on Ellen DeGeneres? Do you think the stand-up tours are the best bet for Ellen to get control of her career again? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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