Deon Derrico Needs Urgent Prayers, Amani Health Setback

Deon Derrico - Sherri - YouTube

Amani, the nephew of Deon Derrico debuted in Doubling Down With the Derricos last year, and now he needs prayers after surgery. The TLC patriarch already called for prayers and gave an update, but something went wrong. Read on to find out what’s happening.

Deon Derrico Told TLC Fans Amani Needed Prayers

It’s been a difficult week for Amani and his newly found family. TLC fans don’t know what caused the problem, but his uncle said that Amani hasn’t been very well this year. So, he called for prayers as his nephew underwent liver surgery. After the initial news, many “prayer warriors” waited for an update.

Amani, Deon Deon Derrico's Nephew - TLC
Amani, Deon Deon Derrico’s Nephew – TLC

When Deon Derrico’s first update arrived, he told his Doubling Down With the Derricos followers that the surgery went well. “Amani,” he said, was “stable and resting.” Unfortunately, that changed in the last few hours and now more requests for prayers came from the dad of 14 kids.

Amani Needs More Prayers  – A Turn For The Worse

On Friday night, The Doubling Down With the Derricos dad took to his Instagram profile page. There, the TLC star shared how things went wrong after Aman’s “liver transplant.” He added, “Dr’s told us that he’s not doing good there’s something wrong with the new liver.Notably, it’s not a rejection problem, so that holds hope that Amani might tolerate another transplant.

Amani Needs More Prayers - Deon Derrico - Instagram
Amani Needs More Prayers – Deon Derrico – Instagram

Deon Derrico sounded very down when he continued:

…unfortunately they’re going to have to take this current liver back out of his body…and place him back on the list for another liver transplant!!! My nephew literally can’t seem to catch a break!! As much as I hate to ask this of you all, but if you could Please send out prayers for him AGAIN!! And I’ll continue to keep you all informed on how he’s doing!

TLC fans took to the post’s comments section to discuss Amani and his family. Here are some of their feelings:

  • Backup has arrived…Your prayer warriors are here.
  • Praying for Amani’s complete healing and praying for the families comfort.
  • God cover this young man and give him peace while he waits on the new liver…
  • Show up then prayer warriors🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 every prayer request for this young man will be heard…
  • Praying for God’s intervention 🙏
  • GOD…continue to give Amani strength along with his family…

Of course, thoughts will probably be with Marian “GG” Derrico right now as she fights her own health issues. Additionally, she only recently discovered that her late son, Chris had fathered another grandchild.

Are you sad that the major surgery didn’t work for Amani? Hopefully, doctors will find another donor soon, and this time, it works well. Shout out to Deon Derrico’s family in the comments below. Remember to come back here for all your Doubling Down With the Derricos news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. Praying for complete healing for Armani and GG and for the entire family! Divorce is hard on the kids no matter what! I just wish the parents realized the hardest part is over and situation would have gotten better! This makes me very sad! May God bless you all and steer you in the right direction! The kids were a blessing and should be raised as the Bible says! Not judging just stating a fact!

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