‘On Patrol Live’ Removes Another County From Its Lineup

On Patrol Live in Lee County

On Patrol Live seems to be wanting to keep things fresh to keep ratings for the show up. This means, sometimes, switching out police departments that they follow. There are already fans who are not happy that Nye County is no longer part of the show. Now, another country is leaving the reality TV series.

Here is what you need to know about another county leaving the police realty TV series.

On Patrol Live Losing Lee County From The Series

Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno posted on X that the “The Lee County Sheriff’s Office will be taking a break from On Patrol: Live. Thank you OPL for documenting for the community the work of our officers. We look forward to being back on the show in the future!”

On Patrol Live | YouTube
On Patrol Live | YouTube

Fans on X thanked the sheriff’s office for representing Florida so well. There was also a Reddit thread started about the loss with viewers there discussing the changes being made on the show and the different departments that fans miss.

  • “I miss seeing the Indianapolis metro area departments on the show. Both Lawrence and Beech Grove were great.”
  • “Bring back NYE county, Nevada!!!!”
  • “Everett police department is taking there place!”
  • “I wish we’d get some from the east coast again like Warwick, or even a Wisconsin department.”

With Lee County gone from On Patrol Live, it is time to find out who will replace them in the lineup.

Changing Sheriff’s Offices Isn’t New For On Patrol Live

On Patrol Live losing Lee County is not surprising. The show always changes out its police departments on occasion to keep things fresh. As mentioned, fans recently lamented the loss of Nye County, which had some bizarre situations and characters in that area of the country.

Last October, fans showed disappointment when the Volusia Sheriff’s Office out of Florida left the series. The Sheriff’s Office said at the time that they had a “good run” but the show wants to always offer another police department the spotlight. That is also the case with the news that Lee County is leaving the series.

As a matter of fact, when the Volusia Sheriff’s Office left the series, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office with Sheriff Carmine Marceno joined to fill in the gap. However, they only lasted for eight months.

Will you miss Lee County on On Patrol Live? Do you like changing out departments to allow the series to remain fresh, or do you prefer to follow the same departments you have gotten to know? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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One Comment

  1. I like the idea of adding new departments. To the show. I however did like Nye County. I hope it returns

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