Wayne Brady Gives Away A Model’s Job On ‘Let’s Make A Deal’

Wayne Brady - Let's Make A Deal

During a recent episode of Let’s Make A Deal, Wayne Brady made one audience member’s day. Although the audience was filled with striking costumes, one in particular caught Wayne’s eye. After hearing her inspirational story he impulsively gives away a model’s job.

One Person Catches Wayne Brady’s Eye

Within the audience of Let’s Make A Deal, a person has to truly shine to get picked. Among the crowd, Wayne Brady saw one person that stood out to him. Rhonda, who wore a pink fairy costume caught his eye. In the video clip of the show, Rhonda was extra excited to get to talk with Wayne. During her contestant interview, she revealed she is a payroll specialist. Confessing why she loves her job, she shares everyone likes her because she “gives out the money.” But after sharing her occupation, she gets a little deeper.

Wayne Brady Embed 2
Wayne Brady – Photo: Bill Inoshita/CBS

After Rhonda tells Wayne Brady and the Let’s Make A Deal audience about her work, she opens up about her reason for wanting to be on the show. Emotionally, Rhonda tells everyone, “First of all, I want to say thank you for choosing me, and I have something very deep within me.” Furthermore, she adds, “My mom recently passed from breast cancer, and throughout her chemo, I was with her.” Expressing her thankfulness for getting the opportunity to be there, she adds, “She loved, loved Let’s Make a Deal.”

During her chemotherapy, Rhonda cheered her on, “I said, ‘Mom, fight, fight. Once you fight and get through this, I’m gonna bring you to Let’s Make a Deal.’” Sadly, her mom wasn’t able to attend. She says, “Unfortunately, she passed. But I kept my promise. She’s here with me.” Around her neck was a photo of her mom joining her for the promised show. Fitted with bright pink bows and beads, she proudly carries her mom along to help her win.

Rhonda’s Story Moves Wayne Brady

After Rhonda shares her story, Wayne Brady and the audience were noticeably moved by it. He says, “I’m happy that you’re here, and you know what? We’re gonna make it a happy occasion for you. You got your mama with you. You’re gonna have a good time.” Embracing her he says, “We’re gonna do this for Mama.” But Wayne needed something more than usual to commemorate the occasion. He impulsively says, “You know what I’d love for you to do is how bout I give you a job?” Then he offers her a job with Tiffany Coyne, the show’s model.

Tiffany Coyne gracefully gives her job away. - Let's Make A Deal
Tiffany Coyne gracefully gives her job away. – Let’s Make A Deal

Wayne Brady adds, “How bout you are Tiffany’s assistant for this deal?” Very pleased with his gesture, Rhonda says to Tiffany, “You look beautiful.” Likewise, she thanks Rhonda for joining her. Tiffany tells her she isn’t quite ready and needs to change shoes. Then, Tiffany says, “So if you can do this, that would be great.” Tiffany instructs her to lift the box top. After showing her the ropes, Tiffany gracefully exits the stage leaving Rhonda the opportunity to take over.

Rhonda learning the ropes from Tiffany Coyne - Let's Make A Deal
Rhonda learning the ropes from Tiffany Coyne – Let’s Make A Deal

Rhonda Gets A Shot At Let’s Make A Deal

But Rhonda wasn’t limited to showcasing the prizes for Let’s Make A Deal. Instead, she also got the chance to take home some goodies herself. After another contestant, Alejandra’s introduction, Wayne gave her the choice of the box Rhonda was manning or she could have $1,000. Taking the safe bet, Alejandra took the money. Then, Rhonda beautifully unveils the box’s contents with a trip to Toronto worth $9,366. Following that, another contestant chooses the curtain that Rhonda assists with displaying. He takes home a shiny new home entertainment center. Then, Wayne Brady calls Rhonda back to his side. He says, “Why make a deal with somebody else when I’ve got you right here?”

Rhonda tells Wayne Brady her inspirational story. - Let's Make A Deal
Rhonda tells Wayne Brady her inspirational story. – Let’s Make A Deal

She was happy to participate! Furthermore, Wayne says she can take the “leftovers” referring to the passed-over Toronto trip and $1500 left behind when the curtain was picked. Alternately, he offers her a brand new prize that model, Tiffany Coyne, carries out to show her. This gave her the option of two known prizes or an oversized mystery gift bag from Tiffany. Rhonda exclaims, “But on Let’s Make a Deal, I love leftovers!”

Wayne Brady Is Happy To Treat Rhonda Well

Taking the leftovers proved to be a great move on Rhonda’s part. When Tiffany revealed the bag’s contents it was a Zonk! Had she gone with that option she would have still had a great experience giving Tiffany a break on stage, but instead, she also took home some excellent prizes. Undeniably, Wayne Brady was happy to see Rhonda capture a win. He acknowledges it saying, “Mama would be happy. You’re taking a trip. You’re gonna take her with you just like you take her with you every day.”

What do you think about Wayne Brady’s gesture of letting Rhonda take model Tiffany’s job for a day? Do you enjoy Let’s Make A Deal? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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