Al Roker Talks Retirement Months Ahead Of 70th Birthday

Al Roker-YouTube

The Today Show meteorologist Al Roker is discussing retirement months ahead of his 70th birthday. He will hit the major milestone on August 20th, 2024 but is he gearing up to slow down? Or, is he going to keep on moving as long as he can? Keep reading for more details on what Al’s future plans are.

Al Roker Talks Retirement Months Ahead Of 70th Birthday

Throughout the years, Al Roker has not had the easiest run. The meteorologist and fan favorite always keeps his enthusiasm high with a zest for life. Yet, his health has hit its bumps. In November 2022, he had blood clots in both his legs and his lungs which was terrifying. Not just for Al but for his family, co-workers, and fans all around the country. He also had knee surgery and when he was out from work so he could recuperate, his Today Show family came to him. Al has been a staple of NBC, even helping to host the Macy’s Day Parade.

Al Roker-YouTube
Al Roker-YouTube

Now, he is a grandfather and his life is completely changed. With seventy fast approaching in August, the big question is if he is considering retirement. According to The Sun, his wife, Deborah Roberts chose to answer that one:

“We don’t even like that word. We think it’s a dirty word. Because you know what? We both are still having a great time. We’re still exploring. We’re still discovering. We’re still traveling. We’re doing so much of what we love. So why would we even want to say that dirty ‘r’ word?”

Deborah Roberts, Al Roker-Instagram
Deborah Roberts, Al Roker-Instagram

Clearly, they are very happy and Deborah is also very motivated as she is an anchor over at ABC. So, they both lead very busy lives but are showing no signs of stopping. This proves that they loved what they do which is very rare in today’s world. Even Al Roker’s co-worker, Sheinelle Jones shared that she does not see him stepping down:

“That man is not retiring anytime soon. He’s got a lot of love left in him to give.”


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How’s His Health?

Al Roker may not want to retire in the near future but how is his health? Is the meteorologist on a good path in his life so he can keep going for as long as he wants? He had this to say:

“Everything’s great. Yeah, I feel good. I’ve been getting out, walking, and now the warm weather is coming, so, you know, I mean, we didn’t really have a spring, but that’s okay. It’s all good, it’s all good.”

It appears that Al’s attitude is what will fuel him for many days to come. More so, he has a great support system and people who are looking out for him. In the end, that is all that matters and if he is happy then fans are ecstatic to have him there.

Are you excited to learn that Al Roker will be sticking around for the foreseeable future? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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