Mama June & Family Share Tribute To Anna On Mother’s Day

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon and her family shared a special tribute to the late Anna Cardwell on Mother’s Day. It was the first one without her so it was a very emotional day for everyone. So, what did the family do to honor Anna while keeping her memory alive? Keep reading for more details.

Mama June & Family Share Tribute To Anna On Mother’s Day

A few vital holidays have gone by since Anna Cardwell passed away, most notably Christmas and now, Mother’s Day. She left behind two daughters, Kylee and Kaitlyn who reside in two different homes. Kylee is currently with Anna’s ex-husband, Michael Cardwell whereas Kaitlyn is with Mama June and her husband, Justin Stroud. Michael has been actively trying to get custody of Kaitlyn as he raised her and it is helpful to keep the girls together. More so, he has noted June and Anna were estranged for many years.

Anna Cardwell-YouTube
Anna Cardwell-YouTube

Despite all of the legal drama, the family took time out to honor Anna on her first Mother’s Day in heaven. They took her to Disney World on their holiday family trip shortly after she died. It was more about having her spirit there and each member has some of her ashes. Now, June shared a TikTok video of a sweet ritual they started, based on an idea from Anna’s widower, Eldridge Toney. They gathered beautiful balloons of all different colors and wrote messages for Anna. The balloons were soon released by many members including Pumpkin, Jessica, Shyann, and more.


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Mama June noted that she had wanted all of the balloons to go up at once and stay together. Unfortunately, they started to drift apart some so that was a bit of an issue but it was a beautiful thing to do. It could also become a possible tradition for other big memorial events. At the same time, not all of June’s followers supported what she was doing and felt she could have had a safer tribute.

Better Suggestions For The Future

Obviously, what Mama June Shannon and her family did was very sweet. More so, Eldridge Toney really wanted to remember his late wife. However, some followers were not in complete support of using balloons to do so as they tend to land in the ocean, killing wildlife:

  • If you really want to do something to remember somebody, plant a tree plant flowers make a donation. There are so many other ways that won’t harm another life.
  • The balloons will not make it to Heaven. They kill animals! Present find another way to pay tribute
  • Now those balloons are gonna kill animals.
  • Sweet to get together but please don’t release balloons. It’s bad for the wildlife

The general consensus was it was a sweet thought but, in the future, hopefully, they could find a more eco-friendly way to honor Anna. In any case, it was great that they all got together and Anna will always know how much she is missed and loved.

What did you think of how Mama June and family paid tribute to their late family member on her first Mother’s Day in heaven? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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