Whoopi Goldberg Says ‘The View’ Doesn’t Have Old Spark

Whoopi Goldberg-YouTube

The View moderator Whoopi Goldberg is saying that the long-running talk show just doesn’t have the same old spark. She has had a seat at the table since 2007 but, after nearly two decades, has seen a lot of change. Now, she is speaking up and out about what has gone wrong. Keep reading for more details.

Whoopi Goldberg Says The View Doesn’t Have Old Spark

The View has been around since 1997 and has held its ground ever since. Though hosts and moderators have changed based on ratings, the times, and general popularity, it is still very popular. When Whoopi Goldberg took over the moderator position in 2007, it was a huge deal. She is a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with. Not only is she extremely outspoken, which is perfect for her comedy but she is also an EGOT. This means she has won all of the key awards: Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony.

Whoopi Goldberg-YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg-YouTube

However, she recently has been very candid about her life with a new memoir having arrived on May 7th, 2024. It is called Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me. There, she speaks about her parents, her upbringing, and her daughter’s pregnancy. As candid as she has been about her past, she is also opening up more about her present and what the talk show means to her. Recently, Whoopi appeared on Chris Wallace, according to TMZ. He questioned how she felt about being the moderator on the hit talk show.


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Whoopi Goldberg seemed somewhat torn about it as so much has changed. She preferred The View in the past as audiences were much kinder to the hosts. Now, they immediately jump down their throats and do not cut them a bit of slack. It was also more of a free space for conversation and now it feels more stifled. The truth is she is not trying to make people mad so that does affect her delivery. In full transparency, Whoopi believes the show is now very “woke” which could be a detriment.

Fans Chime In

After hearing and seeing these comments by Whoopi Goldberg, The View fans chimed in with their thoughts. Did they agree or just feel like venting?

  • “Woke” is just being intelligent and aware. That scares small minds.
  • 😂 oh honey it was never good..just a bunch of Karen’s preaching to more Karen’s
  • I agree when Barbara Walters was on and it was about interviewing important or notable people🙌without being so opinionated !!
  • 😂😂😂says the person who helped make it woke

Some believed it should have been canceled long ago when different points of view were not thoroughly accepted. At this point, if people keep tuning in, the show will keep running.

Do you agree with Whoopi’s assessment that it was better before and more so, when do you think it was at its best? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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