Jennifer Hudson Helps Reba McEntire Throw It Back To Her Sitcom Days

Jennifer Hudson-YouTube

Jennifer Hudson helped Reba McEntire throw it back to her sitcom days in a recent episode of her talk show. So, how did the Oscar winner and talk show host achieve this with The Voice coach? Keep reading for more details.

Jennifer Hudson Helps Reba McEntire Throw It Back To Her Sitcom Days

Getting Jennifer Hudson and Reba McEntire together was an amazing moment. They are both Grammy winners, actors, and have been in The Voice coaching chairs. Now, Jennifer has her own talk show which Reba was a guest on. The two ladies were chatting about how long it had been since Reba’s self-titled sitcom came to an end. It aired from 2001 through early 2007 and is now on streaming services and in syndication. They also eventually broke out into a duet of the Reba theme song together which was extremely nostalgic. Not just for fans but for Reba and Jennifer who both connected closely to the song.

Reba McEntire-YouTube
Reba McEntire-YouTube

“I’m a Survivor,” has resonated with fans of the show and the singers for many years, according to People. Reba explained why:

“I think the reason why so many people can connect with the song ‘I’m a Survivor’ is because it’s relatable. I know you find the same thing in the songs you sing. If people can relate to it, they can connect to it. And I’m a survivor — I mean, a woman who is working hard doing two jobs and raising kids.”

Admittedly, Jennifer is also a huge fan of the song, as well and she shared her reasoning behind her love of it:

“Yes ma’am! It says it all. Yes, it does. You know that just touched my spirit, right, Reba?”

As they prepared to sing together, Jennifer Hudson had a fangirl moment, realizing she would be doing a duet with Reba McEntire:

“I get to sing with Reba, y’all!”

This was something that Jennifer asked Reba to do out of the blue as she just wanted to have this moment in time with the country superstar. It was beautifully done and the audience loved it but it also prompted the question about Reba’s return to acting.

Back To Sitcoms

Fans do want a Reba reboot but that does not seem to be that promising though the cast is all still very close. However, Reba McEntire did talk to Jennifer Hudson about a project she has in the works:

“It’s called Happy’s Place, and we’ve shot the pilot on NBC and we’re just waiting patiently, sorta, if they’re going to take it to series or not. So fingers crossed, everybody! Pretty please!”

Reba McEntire’s character of Bobbie will inherit her father’s restaurant but the twist will be sharing it with an unknown half-sister. For Reba fans, she will reunite with Melissa Peterman who played BJ so that will be a great moment. It just has to get the green light. Plus, she has new music coming soon so there is so much Reba on the horizon.

What did you think of the duet? Does that song resonate with you and make you nostalgic for Reba’s sitcom days? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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