‘B&B’ Is Jacqueline MacInnes Wood Pregnant With 5th Child?

Jacqueline MacInnes Wood

The Bold And The Beautiful fans are wondering if Jacqueline MacInnes Wood might be pregnant again. If she is, this is her fifth child and she just had her fourth one not long ago. It was in August so a little less than a year ago. A recent post she made on Instagram has fans wondering if a baby is on the way according to Reddit.

Fans Think Another Baby Is On The Way

The fans are going crazy on Jacqueline MacInnes Wood’s recent post where she is in a white dress. Most of the comments are asking if she is pregnant and then people responding that it is rude to ask this question. Here is what a few fans had to say:

  • Are you having another baby?
  • Are u pregnant?
  • Please let this be your girl

She does already have four boys so there is a lot of speculation that she will try at least one more time for a girl. That would make five children at home and would keep her pretty busy. Jacqueline is already keeping up with her four boys and her role as Steffy Forrester on The Bold And The Beautiful.

Jacqueline MacInnes Showcases Baby Bump In Bikini [Credit: Instagram]
[Credit: Instagram]
The Reddit comments go a bit more into detail. Here is what a few fans said there:

  • I called this last week. This woman loves being preggers
  • Hard to say with the way the dress gathers at the waist. She said in an interview that they wanted five kids. They are both only children.
  • I work at a mall she frequents so I actually see her and the kids quite often in passing by and I can confidently say she’s definitely pregnant
  • Oh, no i hope not. I guess finn and her will split. And she’ll leave for 5 months. If they start to show half of her on camera, or pillows over her, or big purses hiding her. Then she’s probably pregnant again.

The Post That Got Everyone Talking About Jacqueline MacInnes Wood

Here is the Instagram post that got everyone talking. Jacqueline is teasing the idea of taking a cow home with her, but all fans could notice was how she looked. Check it out below.

Do you think that Jacqueline MacInnes Wood is pregnant again already? Sound off in the comments below and don’t miss new episodes of The Bold And The Beautiful on CBS.

Mandy Robinson

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