Poppy Harlow Exiting CNN After Morning Show Failure

Poppy Harlow-YouTube

Poppy Harlow is exiting CNN after a morning show failure and sixteen years with the network. She had experienced a shakeup in 2022 and things just continued to go downhill. Now, she has made the decision to leave. Keep reading for all of the details.

Poppy Harlow Exiting CNN After Morning Show Failure

After sixteen years with CNN, Poppy Harlow is leaving and a lot has to do with a big shakeup that occurred in 2022. She had spent over five years co-hosting CNN Newsroom with Jim Sciutto and they made a great duo. Then, she was moved to an early morning slot alongside Don Lemon and Kaitlan Collins for CNN This Morning. Lemon had come from anchoring his own primetime show whereas Collins was a correspondent. Unfortunately, the match did not light and Lemon was starting to get into trouble. He then made an inappropriate comment about former presidential candidate, Nikki Haley.

Poppy Harlow, Don Lemon, Kaitlan Collins-YouTube
Poppy Harlow, Don Lemon, Kaitlan Collins-YouTube

Lemon said that she was past her prime to which Harlow challenged him and eventually left the conversation. He was fired a year ago and Kaitlan Collins was moved to primetime. That left Harlow in the morning and soon, Phil Mattingly came in to co-anchor with her. Unfortunately, the morning show failed to garner the ratings they wanted. Phil was placed elsewhere and, according to the New York Post, an offer came in for Harlow, but she declined. Now, she has officially resigned from the network by sending an email on Friday, April 26th.

CNN’s Mark Thompson informed the staff Friday morning that Poppy Harlow was exiting the network.

“When I walked in the door at CNN in 2008, I was 25 years old and had never been on live TV. Green is an understatement! I grew up here: as a journalist and as a person.”

She was thankful to Amy Entelis, the executive VP for talent, CNN originals, and creative development as well as Thompson, for allowing her to feel she could make this choice. It appears that, as of next week, Harlow will officially be gone from the network.

Where To Next

As Poppy Harlow stated in her email, she was in her twenties when she came to CNN. Therefore, her future is unknown right now. However, she will be missed at the network per statements from Mark Thompson and Amy Entelis. Thompson shared these kind words:

“Poppy is a unique talent who combines formidable reporting and interviewing prowess with a human touch that audiences have always responded to. She’s been a wonderful colleague at CNN, and we know she will have much success in her future endeavors.”

Entelis went on to add:

“Poppy leaves CNN after more than 16 memorable years, thousands of hours in the anchor chair, and hundreds of reports from the field. She made a mark on numerous major stories including financial crises, the Paris terror attacks and the Boston bombing, but most notably enlightening interviews with the world’s top business leaders, who trusted her because she was tough, fair, and well-prepared. Poppy is a brilliant journalist who sets the standard for reporting with compassion and humanity, and we will miss her.”

Clearly, this is hard for everyone to handle but hopefully, she will find her next home and there is no doubt that she will excel at whatever she does.

Will you miss Poppy Harlow or was it time for her to move on? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. Poppy Harlow leaving is so very disappointing!
    Poppy lights up the screen & her warmth & professionalism will be missed. Unbelievable, to say the least, that she will be exiting CNN!

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