‘Teen Mom’ Kailyn Lowry Wants Baby #8?

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram

Teen Mom star Kailyn Lowry has hinted at having more children several times, despite already having seven. Recently, she polled her followers on social media to ask their thoughts on her welcoming baby number eight into the world. Continue reading to see what fans had to say about Kail’s ridiculous question.

Kailyn Lowry Jokes About Having Another Baby

In a Story on Facebook, Kailyn Lowry posted a screenshot of a Teen Mom group. The group was talking about how Kail’s reading habits have been a topic of conversation in some circles. She likes to read (a lot) and posted a few photos of herself with stacks of books she’s read recently.

The post was hinting at Kail having a bit too much time on her hands. So, she screenshotted what people were saying and shared it with her followers. Over the post, she wrote, “Too much time on my hands” with an eye-roll emoji. Underneath that, she posted a poll for her followers to answer, asking if she should have another baby.

Kailyn Lowry Facebook Story Post - Reddit

Reddit user shared the Facebook Story to a Teen Mom subreddit. They titled the post, “Kail jokes about having another baby” with an eye-roll emoji. Others were quick to chime in on Kailyn’s “joke.”

“It’s gross [how] she treats having kids as something to do cuz [you’re] bored. Maybe try therapy for all your issues if you have so much free time,” one person commented. Another Reddit user quipped, “Why not? Have triplets for all we care! Like she can do anything else but have kids?!”

Several other Teen Mom fans said that it felt like Kail only had children to use them to “troll” people on the internet. Others wrote that being pregnant and having children is her “whole personality.”

How Is Kail Reading So Much With Twin Newborns, Seriously?

One person pointed out that it seemed ridiculous that Kailyn Lowry was being picked apart for reading so much. “It is ridiculous to judge someone for finding time to read lmao it’s no different than finding time to be on your phone or watch tv. Also ridiculous for her to joke about more kids – two things can be true,” they wrote.

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram
Instagram/Kailyn Lowry

However, another Reddit user disagreed. They wrote, “Be so fr lol.” The person pointed out that Kail has newborn twins and five other children to look after. So, reading 10 books in a month is a bit questionable “unless she’s not caring for them herself.”

Recently, Kailyn Lowry has opened up about the chaos in her home with seven children. She is also working on building a custom home for her family. Kail also said that the construction project might be a way for her to get back on television and back into the reality TV world.

Whatever her next project may be, fans certainly hope it doesn’t involve any more children.

Amanda Blankenship

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