‘The Little Couple’ Bill Klein Jokes About Job, Fans React

Bill Klein - The Little Couple - TLC YouTube

The Little Couple fans often wonder what Bill Klein does for a job, and one thing he does is make people laugh at his jokes. If he worked for someone rather than for himself, they’d find a jokester on their hands. This weekend, he let fans see a bit of his humor. What did he do? Keep reading to get the scoop.

The Little Couple What Does Bill Klein Do?

The TLC show ran for eight years before TLC canceled it, but Jen Arnold and her husband would have survived without that income. Mainly, that’s due to her job as a neonatologist and simulation educator at the John Hopkins Children’s Hospital. Additionally, she does some teaching at Harvard since they relocated to Boston from Florida. Highly qualified in medicine, in 2022, her net worth was in the region of $3.5 million.

Bill Klein and Jen Arnold - Instagram - The Little Couple
Bill Klein and Jen Arnold – Instagram The Little Couple

Bill Klein doesn’t sit around at home taking a free ride. Most TLC fans know that he started up Rocky & Maggie, a pet supply business. However, he started his career in sales, eventually becoming an entrepreneur with a business that assists startups. Sometimes, he builds a business and then flips it. At one time, he and Jen Arnold also ran their Candu Enterprises which focused on media-related services. Most recently, he branched out and took a course to become a comedian.

The Little Couple Star Jokes About Working For Someone Else

The dad of Will, 14, and Zoey, 12, doesn’t work as a comedian full-time. This past New Year’s Eve, he threw a big party for friends, family, and employees. No doubt he made everyone laugh with his speech. This week, the TLC alum gave his fans something else to chuckle about.

Bill Klein - The Little Couple- Instagram
Bill Klein – The Little Couple Instagram

Bill Klein took to his Instagram account on Saturday and shared a meme. It said, “Date modified…Tomorrow 1:15 AM.” In his caption, he said:

If I ever decide to go back to working for someone again, this is what they’d be getting. I’m so efficient, I’m working in the future!

Bill Klein Jokes About His Job- Instagram
Bill Klein Jokes About His Job- Instagram

Not every The Little Couple fan gets Bill Klein’s sense of humor, but some people appreciated the laugh. Here’s what they said in the comments:

  • lol Nice!!
  • lol u wanna job? haha.

Others put up laughing emojis. Actually, most TLC fans know that he works hard, and he struggles a lot with pain. Last year he spent a lot of time in doctors’ rooms because something went wrong with his spine. Unfortunately, little people often deal with bone problems. But one thing about Bill, he laughs his way through the ordeal.

What are your thoughts on Bill Klein joking about his job? Do you think he should just stick with what he does? Or, should he focus more on a career as as a comedian? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your The Little Couple news. 

James Michael

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