‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Fans Slam ‘Vile’ Pregnant Ashley

Ashley Sherwood - Seeking Sister Wife - TLC YouTube

Seeking Sister Wife newcomers, Shane and Ashley Sherwood come with a twist on the TLC show, and fans do not like Ashley much, slamming her as being “vile” and “selfish.” What triggered them so badly? Read on to find out.

SSW Ashley Sherwood Is Pregnant As They Court Sarah

TLC fans saw that at the end of the first segment when Shane and his wife dated Grace, a lesbian, that Ashley is bisexual. It seems puzzling because some viewers thought they should rather be on a show like Seeking Brother Husband, but in reverse. In the next episode, the couple went on a group date with Sarah. She flirted with Ashley in front of Shane who felt like a third wheel.

SSW Ashley Sherwood and Sarah - TLC
SSW Ashley Sherwood and Sarah – TLC

Ashley Sherwood’s husband also hinted that he has some sort of health condition. So, it seems that he wants pregnant Ashley to settle with a second wife quickly. However, SSW fans think that she’s just plain horrible to him. Incoming hate isn’t aimed at her bisexuality, but rather at her attitude towards her husband.

Seeking Sister Wife Fans Slam Ashley As ‘Vile’ & ‘Selfish’

TLC fans noticed that Shane seemed to be addressed as if he needed to be talked down to. And, others feel that he could use better women in his life. While he seems nice enough, it’s almost as if his heart isn’t into another woman for his wife. On Reddit, an OP slammed SSW Ashley saying:

Ashley is a vile selfish human…I honestly cannot stomach this woman….Shane needs to grow a pair or eight but Ashley is a whole other ball game. The fact that this woman has a specialty in psychiatry is unfathomable. Could you imagine having that woman manage any part of your mental health? Actually just imagining having her be your dr for ANYTHING would be a horrible thought. She is a cold -ss narcissist who just wants to hook up with women…her husband is basically a sperm donor. She is SOOOO RUDE to him…she seems to totally be oblivious to his feelings…

Seeking Sister Wife Shane - TLC YouTube
Seeking Sister Wife Shane – TLC YouTube

Ashley Sherwood found more critics than the OP, and a lot of them can’t get their heads around wanting a sexual relationship with anyone while pregnant. Here’s what some of them said:

  • It’s just bizarre to date while heavily pregnant. Focus on the child you’re about to have not getting kisses from some new fling lol
  • I can’t figure out what person would want to date someone who is about [to] have a second child. And what do they have to gain from it[?] They don’t seem to want to run it like sister wives…. So this all just seems selfish. …The whole thing is so bizarre.
  • Like you were blessed with a child with another one literally about to pop out but you would rather be out kissing chicks left and right as you waddle from date to date?!?! 🥴
  • Someone yesterday found them on a dating site and posted – showed they are looking for a thruple situation. Their plotline was made to fit the show but is polyamorous.

What are your thoughts about pregnant Ashley Sherwood looking for a bisexual relationship with Sarah? Do you think that she is “vile and selfish” with her husband, Shane? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Seeking Sister Wife news.

James Michael

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