‘Golden Bachelor’ Gerry Turner Gets A Huge Career Boost

ABC's Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner - YouTube

Golden Bachelor lead Gerry Turner just got a major boost in his career and it’s way more than just doing meet-and-greets at Minor League Baseball games. In fact, it looks like the ABC star got the break of his life. Read on to find out more on the news about Theresa Nist’s new husband.

Gerry Turner News Comes As Critics Slam Theresa & Gerry Turner For Living Apart

Just a few short months after they tied the knot, the Golden Bachelor stars still live apart. For a time, they discussed where they would live, and in January, ABC fans believed that he would move to New Jersey. In fact, he even took his dog along. However, it turns out that they don’t live together most of the time. Instead, they commute and get together when they can. Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist via YOuTubeGerry Turner and Theresa Nist – Golden Bachelor – ABC

While lots of people think Gerry Turner was on the dating show for the wrong reasons, not everyone thinks badly of him. Theresa Nist recently shared some videos of him and they looked very much in love. However, news that he recently got a big career boost could change the lives of the Golden Bachelor couple. It could have an impact on where the couple decides to live.

Golden Bachelor Lead Lands A Good Career Boost

Daily Express US recently reported that the elderly gentleman signed up with “a flashy…talent agency whose clients have appeared in a wide range of films, TV shows, and stage productions.” He’s with Gersh based in Los Angeles, but they also went global. One of the largest agencies for talent, TV, film, literacy, and more, it seems that plenty of opportunities will go his way. Could that explain how he suddenly ended up as a question on Jeopardy?

Gerry Turner via youtube 22
Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner – YouTube

The Golden Bachelor star signed up with a company that has over 300 staff and 130 agents, and according to their website, they are “an unrivaled legacy in Hollywood.” It’s not clear where they might be able to place Gerry Turner, but the possibilities must be very exciting for him. Perhaps he will end up in a movie or drama series. However, it’s too soon to tell how it will affect him and his status. The outlet noted that he’s well-represented by his “attorney Joseph Weiner of Miloknay Weiner.”

What are your thoughts about Gerry Turner signing with Gersh, a huge talent and literary agency? Do you think he will go places with his quiet charm and handsome features? Hopefully, Theresa Nist will remain by his side if he gets an even bigger career break. Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Golden Bachelor news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. When the Golden Bachelor came on I knew that whatever happens, it wouldn’t work out. They are at an age where they are settled – where they live, being around their family, etc. etc. Who is going to uproot at this point? Very difficult. They should have dated for at least 6-9 months to figure this out. Bad move. See – not thinking this out well happens to all ages. A shame.

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