‘The View’ Joy Behar Ruins Whoopi Goldberg’s Big News?

Joy Behar The View - YouTube

On The View this week, Joy Behar seemed to drop a spoiler about a huge movie role for Whoopi Goldberg. It came when the team interviewed Zoë Saldaña and Marco Perego about their movie, The Absence of Eden.

Joy Behar Makes A Mistake On The Talk Show?

When the co-host talked about Whoopi, she might have been wrong to do that. Perhaps, as fans suspect, she should think about retiring and focusing on her writing and comedy show. While that sounds a bit harsh, there are plenty of retirement rumors. Talk shows can be time-consuming and exhausting, especially when the hosts have other commitments.

Zoë Saldaña and Marco Perego - The View - YouTube
Zoë Saldaña and Marco Perego – The View – YouTube

Joy Behar was all in for it though, and this week, she didn’t look tired or ready to clean out her top drawer. Additionally, if she has spoiled a big role for Whoopi Goldberg, it was co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin who started the chatter about a movie reboot. That part of the segment came after Zoë Saldaña and Marco Perego explained more about their movie which is about migrants in the USA.

The View Whoopi Goldberg Lands A Big Role In A New Movie?

Alyssa Farah Griffin mentioned the rumored 4th installment of the Star Trek reboot. From there, the conversation became quite animated. As Zoe was involved in the last three editions, Alyssa asked her what she could tell them about it. For some reason, Zoe turned to Whoopi and started giggling. Then it became an infectious giggle session between the two women.

Whoopi Goldberg - The View - YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg – The View – YouTube

Joy Behar heard Whoopi Goldberg say, “Maybe,” and Zoe laughed about “just a little bit.” Smelling a rat, The View co-host said:

Don’t tip your hand yet. Don’t tell them you got the job yet.

Whoopi looked utterly shocked, and her mouth dropped open. Then the conversation continued:

  • Alyssa: Did you get the job?
  •  Zoe: For Star Trek? Oh my god!
  •  Whoopi: What is happening right now? I have no other work. I’m trying to get home…
  •  Joy: Do you have it or not?

Whoopie became exasperated and eventually yelled, “I don’t know!”

If you’re interested in Star Trek, it’s not clear if Whoopi landed a role, but Zoe did confirm that the script for a fourth installment is being written. Additionally, they brought in an extra writer. So, that sounds very positive.

What are your thoughts about Joy Behar seeming to spoil Whoopi Goldberg’s role in a new Star Trek movie? Do you think she might be right because Whoopie protested too much? Plus, she didn’t say she hadn’t hoped for the role. And how else can Zoe Saldana and Whoopie’s giggling be explained away? Shout out in the comment below, and come back here for all your The View news.

James Michael


  1. Joy Behar is the most relevant, humorous and knowledgeable host. I will only continue to watch it if she is a host

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