Fans Recall Anna Cardwell Exposed Mama June’s Thieving

Mama June - YouTube, We TV

Mama June: Family Crisis star June Shannon is being endlessly trolled on the internet after admitting that she stole money from her daughter, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson. In a recent episode of the WeTV show, June fessed up to using money from Alana’s protected bank account. Continue reading to see how fans and even Mama June’s husband are reacting to the confession.

Mama June Confesses To Stealing Money From Alana Thompson

The account that Mama June took money from was supposed to be protected and saved for Alana once she came of age. The Coogan account is created for child stars like Alana to help protect some of their earnings for themselves. While Mama June confessed to using funds from the account, she didn’t specify how much was used.

Mama June - YouTube, WeTV

Image: YouTube/WeTV

June Shannon’s confession didn’t come as a surprise to long-time viewers. However, her actions since the revelation was made public have many fans “disgusted” with her behavior.

Since the episode aired, Mama June made a “seasoning” post on Instagram. With the ongoing allegations and trouble with her family, many followers think her actions are awful. People were not scared to let her know what they thought in the comment section.


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A post shared by June Shannon (@mamajune)

“Worst mother of the decade,” one person wrote. Another commented, “I hope Alana gets her flipping money back thief. Unfollowing and I hope everyone else does too. Shameless.” A third simply wrote, “Pay your daughter back!”

Another person expressed their hatred for Mama June, writing, “Disgusting.. your 5 mins of fame is over. No one isn’t gonna order sh*t from you.”

Fans & Family Call For Justice For Alana

In the episode, Alana Thompson voiced her feelings on the matter. She was visibly upset with her mother and said that Mama June makes everything about her. Alana just wants to know where her money is and what happened to it.

One fan pointed out that this is what June should be focused on. They wrote, “You probably should be focusing on getting your Daughters money so she can got to college everything you put her through you owe her that much. I hope they kick you off the show and not allow you on no more episodes and continue with the girls.”

Fans recalled that Anna Cardwell tried to warn everyone that this was going on when it happened. “Anna God rest her soul tried to warn everyone back when she came out about the SA stories,” one person wrote. “She also alleged that ‘mama’ left her with no money that’s why she was living in a trailer. (Back then).”

Alana Thompson - YouTube, WeTV

Image: YouTube/WeTV

Although most fans were not surprised by June’s actions, her husband Justin Stroud was. He said, “I was really hurt because I thought me and June were supposed to be able to tell each other everything, and if she knew that it was going to blow up like this, she should have told me about it.”

June’s daughter Pumpkin was also surprised that she would “stoop that low.”

What do you think about Mama June’s confession? Were you surprised? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Blankenship


  1. Why is anyone surprised she is a terrible mother! But really you aren’t getting paid enough now to pay for your college yourself! Maybe stop with the damm manicures and eyelashes. Learn to budget!

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