Wendy Williams’ Son Facing Eviction From Her Financial Troubles

Wendy Williams - YouTube, Entertainment Tonight

The financial trouble and struggles of Wendy Williams just will not stop. Since Sabrina Morrissey was appointed to be Williams’ financial guardian, things have gotten much, much worse. Not only are they impacting the former talk show host’s life, they are now impacting the life of her son, Kevin Hunter, Jr.

Kevin Hunter’s Financial Problems

Kevin Hunter Jr. is in a lot of financial trouble just like his famous mother. He is currently facing an eviction because of the decisions his mother’s financial guardian has made on behalf of Wendy Williams. Sabrina Morrissey has not allowed any of Williams’ money to be used to pay for Hunter’s rent on his high-rise in Miami, Florida.

This is not the first time Kevin Hunter has faced eviction since Morrissey took over the money. He was also evicted from a $2 million apartment in 2022. That apartment was also located in Miami, Florida.

Wendy Williams' son Kevin Hunter Jr. - YouTube, Lifetime

Is Sabrina Morrissey Mismanaging Wendy Williams’ Money?

Since Sabrina Morrissey was appointed by the courts to manage Wendy Williams’ money, it appears nothing is being paid. The New York City apartment where Williams once lived has been completely cleaned out. There is nothing left inside the apartment. This is due to a federal tax lien being placed on the property owned by Wendy Williams.

It has even been reported Sabrina Morrissey was not even buying food for Wendy Williams. A friend of Williams stated she had been buying food for the former talk show host because there was no food in her friend’s home. It appears Morrissey is not a competent court-appointed financial guardian when she will not make sure Wendy Williams’ taxes are being paid and the very ill superstar has food to eat.

Wendy Williams - YouTube, Entertainment Tonight

Do Not Forget The Health Issues

In addition to all the financial problems Wendy Williams has, she is also facing some of the most extreme health issues anyone could ever face. Not only does Williams have autoimmune disorders, her most recent diagnoses make her situation even more dire. The former talk show host as been diagnosed with aphasia. She also has been told by doctors she is suffering from a form of dementia. Add all this to Wendy Williams’ brain injury related to her excessive use of alcohol and things do not look good for this woman who is loved by so many.

Having being diagnosed with a type of dementia as well as an alcohol-related injury, it appears to be impossible for Wendy Williams to ever take control of her life back. It is highly possible she will never be able to get herself out of the horrific situation she is currently in.

Tell us what you think. Should Sabrina Morrissey pay Kevin Hunter’s rent? Would Wendy Williams want her son to be taken care of? Sound off in the comment section below.

Emma Riley Sutton

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