Brittany Cartwright Is Going To Have Another Child

Brittany Cartwright - Instagram

Brittany Cartwright revealed that she is going to have another child. She will have one regardless of whether she is with Jax Taylor. Brittany wants her son Cruz to have a sibling. She comes from a big family and does not want her child to be an only sibling. However, she and her husband are currently separated, and she is starting to think about her plans without him. How is she going to get pregnant if she is not with Jax? Keep reading to find out.

Brittany Cartwright And Jax Taylor

Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor recently revealed that they were going through a separation. Cartwright moved into an Airbnb for the time being and the future of their relationship is unknown. Jax recently blamed his bad actions on his brain, and Brittany did not think that was true. However, there are supposedly a lot of factors that weigh in on the separation. Fans are also wondering if this could be to get more views for their new show The Valley. Both have denied those rumors, but it is still a possibility. It seems the two are still going to try and work it out, but there is no telling if it will end up with them back together.

Jax Taylor, Brittany Cartwright-Instagram
Jax Taylor, Brittany Cartwright-Instagram

She Will Have Another Child Regardless

Brittany Cartwright wants another child. She recently revealed that she is going to have one regardless of whether she is with Jax or not. She also does not want to wait for another man to get pregnant. This led to her saying she may want to do it the way Lala Kent did by getting a sperm donor.

“I would so go the Lala [Kent] route if I needed to, I admire her for that. I want more kids. I want Cruz to have a sibling. I come from a family of five. So I got three brothers. And a sister. And I love that, like, big family dynamic. But I, at least, want one more child. I’m only 35 so I could still, like, maybe meet somebody if it goes that route. I don’t know. I’m not saying it would. Or maybe me and Jax got back together, we could still have another one. If not, I’ll go the Lala route.”

Brittany Cartwright and Cruz/Credit: Brittany Cartwright Instagram
Brittany Cartwright and Cruz/Credit: Brittany Cartwright Instagram

It seems as though Lala Kent has inspired women to have a child without a baby daddy. This has made Brittany open her eyes and realize she does not have to be with a man to have a baby. However, the future for Jax and Brittany is unknown, and they may end up back together. Fans feel like this could somehow be a publicity stunt to gain views for their new show The Valley because people will want to figure out what is going on. What do you think? Were you surprised Brittany would have a child without Jax? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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