Daisy Kent Wrote A Children’s Book, Get Details

Daisy Kent Bachelor

tDaisy Kent has stolen the hearts of viewers during her time on The Bachelor. She has quickly become a favorite of fans. While she got the first one-on-one date of the season, viewers got to see a different side of Daisy. She is sweet, genuine, and honest. She radiates a light of positivity. There is no doubt that Joey could fall in love with Daisy.

Daisy Kent And Her Struggles

Daisy has had some struggles in her life when it comes to her health. When Daisy Kent was 15, she woke up one day and could barely hear.

“He was shaking me, and I was like, ‘This is weird,’ I looked at him, I couldn’t hear him, then sat up and realized something was wrong with my left ear.”

This was scary for Daisy and her family. Two years later she was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease which involves the inner ear. This progressively got worse and a few years later she was also diagnosed with Lyme’s disease. After this, she tried hearing aids and realized they were not going to work for her. Then, she decided to get a cochlear implant which has changed her life. She was seen telling Joey on their date how she even went to Germany for treatments, however, she is feeling great now and is using her disability to help others.


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Daisy’s Children’s Book

Kent has always had a love for children. She started her own nonprofit organization called Hear Your Heart. This focuses on children with hearing problems and other autoimmune diseases. This is not the only thing she has done for children, as she wrote a children’s book. The book is called Daisy Doo: All The Sounds She Knew. I is about a child who learns sounds over again with the help of a cochlear implant. The book can be bought on Amazon.

“I always wanted to write a children’s book, when I got the surgery, I realized there were a lot of emotions I went through. I was so scared; there was a lot of unknowns.”


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Fans are going to go crazy over this book once they realize it is out there. This gives children who are going through the same thing someone to relate to. It also will give children an understanding of the disability. It seems as though Daisy has won the hearts of viewers and maybe soon will steal the heart of Joey if she hasn’t already. Do you think Daisy will win? Are you going to buy her book? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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