‘The Boys’ Erin Moriarty Driven Off Instagram By Megyn Kelly?

Erin Moriarty as Starlight in The Boys / YouTube

Erin Moriarty, who plays Starlight in the Prime Video series The Boys, said she is leaving Instagram after comments by former Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Moriarty released a statement concerning Kelly’s claims. She then explained why she feels she feels she must leave social media at this time.

Here is what Kelly said and what Moriarty is leaving Instagram.

Megyn Kelly drives Erin Moriarty off social media

The comments came on The Megyn Kelly Show podcast where the former Fox host complained about young people turning to plastic surgery to improve and change their looks. In the podcast, Kelly said that more young women are doing it. While Kelly said it was not an objection to plastic surgery, but an objection to women wanting to become a “fake version” of themselves.

Erin Moriarty / YouTube

Kelly then equated young people having plastic surgery to mental illness. She said she wanted to get into these young women’s heads and tell them not to do it. The problem came when Kelly used Erin Moriarty as an example of one of these young women. She not only claimed that Erin had plastic surgery but said the actress had a mental illness for doing so.

This didn’t go over well with Erin, who released a statement about the entire commentary and accusations against her. She also pointed out the online bullying that Kelly’s comments have caused.

Erin Moriarty responds to Megyn Kelly’s accusations

Erin Moriarty responded to Megyn Kelly’s slanderous comments with a statement of her own on Instagram. The Boys star started her statement with the comment that people are “all subject to levels of bullying throughout our lives but I am horrified.” Erin called Kelly’s message “disgustingly false” and “counterproductive to the degree of being ironically misogynistic.”

Kelly showed a photo of Erin in her “before” look, which the former Fox News host said was from a year before. However, Erin said Kelly was lying about that and the photo was actually of Erin from over a decade ago, “before I was of LEGAL DRINKING AGE.” She then mocked Kelly for not doing basic research before making claims.

Erin then looked at the photo of the “after” and said it was from a day that she had her makeup done for a contouring event. “I remember leaving and feeling pretty,” Erin said about the day of that photo. She then added that this was now “harassment” and a case of “false news.” Erin has decided to leave Instagram thanks to the “harassment” her photos have caused.

“The only reason I have not deactivated my account is because I will be leaving this [statement] here. Otherwise, consider it deactivated,” she said. Erin also added this is at least an extensive break and might be permanent. She finished by saying, “It’s broken my heart. You’ve broken my heart.” The Boys star mentioned the “verbal abuse” she has received on Instagram and called it “exhibitionist feminism.”

What are your thoughts about Megyn Kelly making unfounded accusations about Erin Moriarty on her podcast? Does the world of social media help increase the bullying that these comments make? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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