‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe Praises Catherine Giudici For Staying With Him

A woman with long brown hair next to a man with blonde hair

Sean Lowe from The Bachelor is one of the best-loved stars to ever come out of the franchise and this week, he sweetly praised his wife Catherine Giudici while embarrassing their son Samuel. It came on a special day for the couple.

Sean Lowe & Catherine Giudici An ABC Success

Bachelor Nation fans often express their belief that the couple were destined to marry. They now raise three children together, Mia Mejia, 3, Isaiah Hendrix, 6, and Samuel Thomas, 7. These days, he gets a lot of kudos for being a fantastic and protective father. Plus, people love his sense of humor. Actually, there must be a lot of laughter in their home.

Bachelor Sean Lowe - Catherine Giudici - Instagram
Bachelor Sean Lowe – Catherine Giudici – Instagram

Sean Lowe, who starred on Emily Maynard’s season of The Bachelorette seemed like a good choice for The Bachelor. There, he met Catherine and they became engaged on the show. Now, well-qualified to advise on marriage, they celebrated a very special day. Mind you, their son, Samual looked like he wished he could disappear.

Catherine Giudici Celebrates A Special Day

On Friday, January 26, Catherine Giudici and her husband were featured in a short reel on Instagram. In it, they kissed, but the camera cut to their son Samuel, sitting nearby. Embarrassed, he looked away and then covered his ears against the kissing noises. The sweet clip came on the day they celebrated 10 years of marriage.

Bachelor Sean Lowe embarrassed his son, kisses Catherine - Instagram
Bachelor Sean Lowe embarrassed his son, Samuel kisses Catherine – Instagram

Sean Lowe wrote a long caption and Bachelor fans liked it very much.

I’m sure I could put together a better reel but I like this one. This was yesterday and it perfectly encapsulates our marriage. Just two “young” kids in love grossing out our seven year old by kissing in front of him. I married this babe 10 years ago. God knew exactly what he was doing even if we didn’t. He blessed me with the best wife, best friend, and best mother to my children I could have ever asked for. I don’t deserve her but the cool thing about marriage is she’s stuck with me now.

Naturally, Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudice fans responded in the comments because they are popular.

  • Happy Anniversary to the greatest couple to ever come out of the Bachelor franchise.
  • My kids always go “ewwww” when me and my husband kiss…
  • Yes! My ten year anniversary is right around the corner as well and my seven year old is grossed out too. Great fun😂
  • 😂😂😂😂 i stand with Samuel.
  • Stuck with you indeed haha best couple ❤️

What did you think of the sweet post that Sean Lowe shared on Instagram to celebrate 10 years of marriage with Catherine Giudici? Shout out in the comments below, and come here for all your Bachelor news.

James Michael

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