Thomas Ravenel Backtracks, Issues Olivia Flowers Apology

Olivia Flowers, Thomas Ravenel-YouTube

Southern Charm alum Thomas Ravenel has seemingly backtracked on his story about Olivia Flowers. More so, he issues the current cast member somewhat of an apology. What exactly happened and how is he trying to make things right? Read on for more details.

Thomas Ravenel Backtracks, Issues Olivia Flowers Apology

During part one of the Season 9 Southern Charm reunion, Olivia Flowers and Taylor Ann Green could not make amends. Olivia was still upset that her ex-boyfriend, Austen Kroll had kissed Taylor, who she thought was a close friend. Taylor was tired of being made out to be this horrible person so she decided to bring up something Olivia had done in the past. She had hooked up with show alum Thomas Ravenel which Olivia claimed happened when she was twenty, drunk, and fresh out of college. Thomas went on to make a bunch of allegations like they met and she was twenty-four and not twenty.

Olivia Flowers-Instagram
Olivia Flowers-Instagram

He added that she welcomed him over and it was a one-night thing. Plus, Thomas was allegedly hurt by the fact that Olivia wanted to take this to her grave. He said the reason was that he had spoken at her brother’s funeral and thought they were closer than that. He concluded it by saying that she used him to get on the show. Now, he has seemingly changed his tune and tweeted out somewhat of an apology.

Thomas Ravenel-Twitter
Thomas Ravenel-Twitter

Thomas Ravenel is now saying that he was trying to show the timeline and prove Olivia Flowers never betrayed Kathryn Dennis. That was what Taylor was trying to imply, that Olivia was just as bad as she and Kathryn had become extremely close. Yet, she never told her that she was intimate with her ex and the father of her two children. More so, he claims he was joking when he commented that Olivia “used” him and did not think that it would become the headline. Now, he is sending this out as an apology and truly regrets what he said.

Fans React

It is unknown if the former Southern Charm star will delete this tweet if he receives backlash as he is known to do so. However, fans are already reacting to Thomas Ravenel’s Twitter/X apology:

  • Love this and your constant honesty!
  • The media will always spin you in a negative light.
  • Glad you owned it. Remarks aired can destroy people. Life is precious.
  • No need to apologize, King.

In the end, it seems that fans are just happy Thomas owned it and they seem to like him in general. More so, they understand what the media does and his being used by her made a far better story. What do you think of this apology? Do you believe it is genuine or trying to save face? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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