‘Today’ Al Roker’s Daughter Slaps Gramps In Face?

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The Today Show meteorologist Al Roker’s daughter Courtney recently sat down for an exclusive interview with The Sun.

During that interview, she seemingly slapped her father in the face while talking about her daughter Sky’s future. What exactly did she say that was a slap in the face to her father? Keep reading for a recap of her exclusive interview.

Al Roker’s Daughter Slaps Gramps In Face?

During the exclusive interview, Courtney told The Sun that some people get the wrong idea because of their daughter’s name. With her daughter’s name being Sky, fans assume she’s going to follow in Grandpa’s footsteps and become a weatherwoman. That, however, isn’t necessarily the future Courtney wants for her daughter. In fact, she has something else in mind for her daughter Sky’s future.

Courtney explained: “I want her to go to Juilliard, I want her to be a theatre kid.”

Fans of Al Roker and The Today Show were a bit shocked and thought this was a real slap in the face to Grandpa. Courtney proceeded to explain why she wanted this type of future for her daughter. She, however, did clarify she did recognize that her daughter could grow up to do whatever she wanted to do.

Before food, I love theatre. I was in shows and my husband’s a drama teacher. We love musicals. We love songs. Obviously, she can do whatever she wants, but I would be so happy if she was a theater kid.

She Also Teased Of Project With Her Father

Courtney also took the time to tease some details on a project she’s been working on with her father. Turns out, Al Roker and his daughter are working to release a cookbook together. Unfortunately, the cookbook doesn’t have a release date. Sadly, she hit a bit of a snag when her father’s health took a rough turn last week which forced her to pause the project.

She explained: “The cookbook was put on the back burner, and our priority at the time was my dad’s health and his mental health and everything like that.”

Her Pregnancy Was Perfectly Timed

Al Roker’s daughter also shares that she learned she was pregnant while her father was in the hospital last year. She believed her pregnancy gave her father and mother something to smile about. She also believed it gave her father the strength to fight to get healthy. As fans know, Al Roker has also gone on record thanking his grandbaby as his reason for continuing to get healthy.

Does it surprise you that Courtney doesn’t want her daughter to follow in Al Roker’s footsteps? Do you feel like that is a slap in Grandpa’s face? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more news on your favorite TV personalities.

Allie Johnson

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