Kate Gosselin Loses Nasty Court Battle With Ex-Husband Jon

Kate and Jon Gosselin - YouTube

TLC alum Kate Gosselin has lost big in her nasty court battle with her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin. Hoping to recover over $100K in past due child support, the court has reportedly found in favor of her ex-husband.

What were the details of this nasty court battle, exactly? Keep reading for a recap.

Kate Gosselin Loses Nasty Court Battle With Ex-Husband Jon

In September of last year, Kate Gosselin filed an adverse revival with the Pennsylvania court against her ex-husband, Jon. Within this filing, she asked the court to enforce a previous judgment. The judgment Kate was hoping the court would force Jon to honor dated back to March 2018. It ordered Jon Gosselin to pay $132,875 in child support.

Jon’s legal team argued there was a plethora of reasons why the judgment should not be enforced.

Kate Plus 8 Kate Gosselin Watches The Purse Strings As A Nurse TLC
Kate Plus 8 Kate Gosselin Watches The Purse Strings As A Nurse TLC

According to an exclusive report from The Sun, this previously owed child support isn’t going to be the financial lifeline Kate was hoping for. On November 14, Judge James E. Gavin closed the case after striking the judgment.

Per court documents, Jon’s lawyers claimed Kate filed the revival with the courts in response to Jon getting custody of Hannah and Collin. The court documents go on to claim that asking the court to make him pay this judgment broke a different agreement they had in place.

Jon Gosselin / YouTube
Jon Gosselin – YouTube

Not In The Best Interest Of The Children?

Jon Gosselin’s lawyers argued that it was not in the best interest of their children for Jon to pay back the judgment at this point in time.

Furthermore, the asserted penalty term punishes the child. It does so not only by removing the child from a beneficial life with a father, but also by making it impossible to determine the best interests when they are in dispute.”

His lawyers continued to argue: “Should Defendant ‘default’ on the warranties he gave under that advance, by seeking custody to which he is entitled, then the full amount will become due and owing.”

Kate Gosselin on the Bethenny Frankel show on YouTube
Kate Gosselin on the Bethenny Frankel show on YouTube

Ultimately, his lawyers requested the lawyer “void” the old judgment. The judge saw fit to grant this request and the case was closed.

A source close to Jon and Kate previously told The Sun that Kate Gosselin was desperate for money. This source believed the lawsuit was largely out of financial desperation. Speaking to The Sun, a representative of Jon did confirm the case has been closed. At this time, no one from Kate Gosselin’s team has responded to a request for a statement.

Kate Gosselin - Youtube
Kate Gosselin – Youtube

Do you think the judge made the right decision with this nasty court case? Do you believe Jon actually owes Kate any money at this point in time? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for more news and updates on various TLC personalities.

Allie Johnson

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