‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Exposes Pat Sajak’s Off Camera Petty Side

Pat Sajak - YouTube, TODAY

Wheel Of Fortune contestant has opened up about his experience with longtime game show host Pat Sajak, and it was less than desirable. According to the contestant, Pat was rude to him during a commercial break. Keep reading to see what the Wheel Of Fortune host said that made the contestant uncomfortable.

Michael Colen Steals The Show On Wheel Of Fortune

Michael Colen, the winner of the November 3, 2023 episode, easily stole the show. He was lively on stage and made a number of jokes that made his fellow contestants and the audience laugh.

Throughout the show, Michael joked about being a “secret rap star.” At one point, he hit a dab pose after solving a puzzle and it seemed like he was really stealing the show.

Michael Colen contestant - YouTube, Wheel of Fortune

Image: YouTube/Wheel of Fortune

He admitted that Wheel Of Fortune is his favorite show. “I didn’t hear anything for a couple of years, and bam! I got that random call, had some auditions, and bam they went well,” he said.

The father-of-four won a total of $38,304 on the Wheel, but he wasn’t only concerned about winning. “I was focused on winning the game, but comedy and making people laugh was my priority,” Michael told the U.S. Sun

Pat Sajak Makes It Clear That Wheel Is His Show

Apparently, Pat Sajak wasn’t a fan of how Michael was acting throughout the show and decided to pull him aside during a commercial break. Michael said that Pat came to him during one of the commercial breaks and said, “You know Michael, this is my show right?”

Taken aback at first, Michael simply replied, “Yes sir, this is your show.” After that, Pat Sajak continued some friendly banter with him and the other contestants.

However, Michael said that it was clear that Pat was being serious but still trying to be as friendly as possible. “He wanted me to know it was his show – but when I watched it at home, I think he appreciated the banter and the back and forth,” he said of his time on the show.

Pat Sajak - YouTube, Wheel of Fortune

Image: YouTube/Wheel of Fortune

That being said, Michael says that there are no hard feelings between him and Pat Sajak following his appearance on the show. In fact, the contestant said that he’s going to miss seeing Pat on Wheel Of Fortune.

“I’m gonna miss him. I grew up on him; there’s no replacement for him, and it’s gonna be weird without him,” Michael said of the longtime game show host.

Pat Sajak is set to retire after the current-running season in June 2024. Ryan Seacrest will be taking his place on the show.

What do you think of Pat’s comments during the Wheel Of Fortune commercial break? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Amanda Blankenship

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