Pat Sajak Ripped As ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Winner Breaks Rules

Pat Sajak - Wheel Of Fortune - YouTube

Wheel Of Fortune host Pat Sajak is catching some serious heat from fans at home. During a recent episode of the game show, the game show host made a special effort to remind a player of the rules. The contestant proceeded to violate the very same rules that were just explained to her. Furthermore, she ended up scoring the win after her massive blunder.

Wheel Of Fortune fans at home agreed the contestant definitely violated the strict rules Pat Sajak had just explained to her.

Did this Wheel Of Fortune contestant violate the rules of the game? Did Pat Sajak make a mistake in giving her the win? Keep reading for a breakdown of what happened and make your own decision.

Pat Sajak Ripped As Wheel Of Fortune Winner Breaks Rules

Viewers have taken to social media in outrage. These viewers agree that Pat Sajak made a huge mistake during Tuesday’s episode of Wheel Of Fortune.

Nadine, Mike, and Kayla were competing to solve a crossword puzzle with the clue “butter” to help them out. Mike flopped after guessing the letter “D.” Nadine, however, breezed through the board guessing several letters. With just two blanks remaining, she was fairly confident about what the crossword said.

Pat Sajak [Source: YouTube]
[Source: YouTube]
Nadine told Pat she could solve the crossword. The Wheel of Fortune game host responded by reminding her of the game rules. She was to say the answers and nothing extra. After making it clear she understood, she responded with the answer.

Now, the answers were: “Fly, fingers, bean, and nut.”

When Nadine said her answers she slipped up at the end and said the word “nuts” instead of “nut.” Even the closed captioning on the episode picked up the word “nuts.”

Wheel Of Fortune - YouTube
Wheel Of Fortune – YouTube

Nadine ended up scoring the win. Viewers at home, however, felt it was a massive blunder of a call on Pat Sajak’s part. Viewers argued she violated the rules of the game by saying “nuts” and should not have scored the win.

Frustrated Viewers Rip Bad Call

Frustrated fans took to social media in waves to rip the poor call on Pat Sajak’s part. One fan admitted they re-winded the episode three times to listen to her answer. The fan’s entire family agreed she said “nuts” and not “nut.” A few fans pointed out that even closed captioning agreed she said “nuts.”

The real question is simple: Do you think Pat Sajak made a mistake in giving her the win because she said “nuts?” Or, do you think viewers at home are nitpicking on this? Share your thoughts on this ruling in the comments below. And, keep coming back for more news and updates on your favorite TV shows.

Allie Johnson

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