‘Teen Mom:’ Pregnant Rachel Beaver Reveals Older Baby Daddy

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Rachel Beaver of MTV’s Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant shocked the world back in August when she revealed she was pregnant with baby #2. News of the pregnancy, however, left MTV fans with some pretty big questions. For starters, who is the father?

As far as fans knew, Rachel Beaver had been working hard to grow her social media following and driving customers to her OnlyFans account. Furthermore, fans really had no idea she was in a relationship with someone.

Turns out, Rachel Beaver and the baby daddy of her current pregnancy are actually pretty serious. Moreover, he’s also significantly older than Rachel. During a recent Q&A session on Instagram, the Teen Mom star spilled some pretty juicy details on her man. Likewise, she also updated fans on her pregnancy.

What did she share? Keep reading for the details!

Rachel Beaver Young and Pregnant Youtube

Teen Mom: Pregnant Rachel Beaver Reveals Older Baby Daddy

Kicking off the Q&A session, fans asked Rachel where she met the baby daddy of her current pregnancy. Seemingly a bit embarrassed, the MTV personality used a laughing while crying emoji as she fessed up. She hooked up with her new man on Tinder. The reveal also came with a photo of her snuggled up next to her man. This photo had some fans scratching their heads. How old is he? Turns out, Rachel Beaver’s new man is 10 years older than her.

While this is Rachel Beaver’s second baby, this will actually be the third child added to the family. Turns out, getting into a relationship with her new man has made Rachel a stepmother. While she didn’t share too many details about the child out of respect for her mother, Rachel revealed she now has a beautiful stepdaughter. And, she absolutely adores her. The Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant star also shares there is no drama between her and the mother of her boyfriend’s daughter. In fact, she said they have a respectful relationship and really seem to get along.

Rachel Beaver TM Instagram Embed
Instagram/ Teen Mom Chatter

Wait, Did She Get Married?

Referring to his child as her stepdaughter left some fans scratching their heads again. Did Rachel Beaver get married to her new man? The MTV personality admits they DID almost get married. She claims they had the certificate in hand and were ready to go. They, however, decided to push the pause button and do a bit more planning first. She did clarify that they were absolutely getting married after a little more planning.

How Far Along Is Rachel Beaver?

Rachel Beaver shared that she is officially 7 months pregnant. She admits this pregnancy has been way more difficult than her first one. Rachel has struggled with low energy. And, she’s had lots of morning sickness. She, however, is very excited to welcome her second baby into the world.

Rachel Beaver Instagram
Instagram/ Teen Mom Chatter

Are you surprised Rachel suddenly spilled all this information on her baby daddy? What do you think about him being ten years older than her? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more reality TV news and updates.

Allie Johnson

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