‘Golden Bachelor’ Gerry Turner Looking For Engagement?

Gerry Turner via YouTube 15

Fans will be seeing Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner begin his journey on television on Thursday night. Ahead of the premiere, he has been answering some burning questions for fans including if he is hoping for an engagement at the end of it all. Keep reading to find out more.

Is Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner looking to get engaged?

The Golden Bachelor premieres Thursday and chances are parts will look a little different from traditional Bachelor seasons. One thing that has been brought up is if there could be a proposal at the end of it all. Gerry Turner was married for 43 years before losing his wife Toni. So, is an engagement something he could really see happening?

Gerry shared his thoughts with TV Insider on a possible engagement. It seems Gerry is all on board with a possible proposal. He said, “Oh, sure. That’s a very realistic possibility. Let’s face it, you get to 72, the clock ticks a lot faster than when you’re 20. If I’m going to enjoy the rest of my life, I don’t want to waste time. I want to find my girl and move on.”

Now, hopefully, the woman of his dreams is one of the 22 lovely ladies he will be meeting at the mansion.

Gerry Turner via Insta

What to expect this season

The Golden Bachelor is bringing with it some experience and maturity. Gerry Turner is 72 while the women range in age from 60 to 75. They have lived life and have experience on many levels. They are also able to handle tough situations with grace and maturity.

One difference will be that there are only three hometown dates although the reason behind that is not clear yet. It’s not known if that was planned that way or if he only chose to go to three hometowns.

Fantasy suites may also look different. Gerry has said getting to know each other on a deeper level is more important than the physical aspects of the evening.

Gerry also noted that he did not want to know what dates the producers had planned for him. He said he wanted to be just as surprised as they are.

Plus, while he loves his family deeply and values their opinion, he said their opinion will not change his decisions. It is his life to live and be happy with.

What do you think about Gerry being open to an engagement?

Stay tuned for more updates and don’t miss The Golden Bachelor on ABC Thursday night, September 28.

Jamie Colclasure

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