‘OutDaughtered’ Who Really Does Laundry In The Busby Home?

Adam and Danielle Busby, YouTube

Danielle Busby of TLC’s OutDaughtered shared a cluster of photos of the Busby quints on her Instagram Stories recently that fans found to be truly relatable. The living room of her house was cluttered with laundry and hangers everywhere. Amongst the piles of hangers and clothing, fans spotted several of the Busby quints as well.

Had Danielle Busby recruited her daughters to help her with doing their own laundry?

Danielle Busby Feature OutDaughtered
Danielle Busby Feature OutDaughtered

OutDaughtered Quints Do Their Own Laundry?

Sharing several photos of the Busby quints surrounded by laundry and piles of hangers, Danielle admitted that her girls were trying to help her with getting this massive chore done. Considering how many people live in the Busby household, fans can only assume that laundry never really stops accumulating.

While Danielle Busby is happy to get the help of the quints while doing the laundry, she admits that they aren’t really that helpful. So, there’s really no chance the girls are doing their own laundry. In fact, Danielle admits that the Busby quints showing up to “help” with the laundry turns into a messy play situation that isn’t very helpful at all.

Danielle Busby - Instagram
Danielle Busby – Instagram

Danielle Busby Does Outsource Help With Laundry

Now, Danielle and Adam Busby are not drowning in laundry. Likewise, Danielle Busby doesn’t suffer through doing the laundry of six girls, herself, and her husband alone. In fact, the family has a few laundry ladies who come in periodically to help with the situation. Adam and Danielle have actually highlighted their laundry ladies on their YouTube channel in the past and doted on how much they appreciated the help they received.

Danielle Busby - Instagram
Danielle Busby – Instagram

Unfortunately, Danielle Busby catches some heat from fans for outsourcing certain “typical mother duties” and putting a large chunk of the parenting on her husband Adam. These fans, however, forget that Adam and Danielle have six girls to take care of. So, Adam and Danielle Busby do have to make difficult decisions that may include spending more time away from the girls to work and make the money needed to support them.

For Danielle Busby, having a few individuals who come into the house to help with the household chores isn’t about being lazy. Using her laundry ladies is about making sure that she stays on top of the laundry situation in a household where enough clothing for a load of laundry gets worn on a daily basis.

Danielle Busby - Instagram
Danielle Busby – Instagram

It was about five months ago that Danielle Busby uploaded a video to YouTube showing what doing laundry looked like in her household. Check out the video down below where Danielle reveals the family sometimes has to do as many as six loads in a day to get the laundry caught up:

Do you think Danielle Busby ever gets frustrated when her quints try to “help” but end up making a situation more difficult? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Busby news.

Allie Johnson

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