Andy Cohen Slams ‘Vanderpump Rules’ Cast As Hypocritical

Vanderpump Rules montage / YouTube

The entire Vanderpump Rules reunion special had almost the entire cast joining together to lash out at Tom Sandoval and Raquel Leviss. While the cast had every reason to attack Tom and Raquel, Andy Cohen left many of them shellshocked when he called out everyone – except for two people – as hypocrites.

Here is a look at what Andy said and how, in the end, he might be right.

Andy Cohen lashes out at Vanderpump Rules cast

There was a moment in the Vanderpump Rules reunion special where Tom Sandoval and Raquel Leviss were talking back and away from everyone. The two mentioned that everyone had banded together to lash out at them as villains. Tom joked that it took something to get them on the same page and asked how long it would last before they were at each other’s throats again.

This entire situation came after Ariana Madix learned Tom had been cheating on her with her friend Raquel. The situation got worse when they admitted the affair had gone on longer than Ariana knew. They even had sex at Tom and Ariana’s house while she was gone at her grandma’s funeral. This made things worse. While both Tom and Raquel tried to apologize, Ariana responded with a hate-filled explicative-laden tirade.

Raquel Leviss on Vanderpump Rules reunion / YouTube

While Ariana had every reason to feel this way and hate her long-time boyfriend and former BFF, the rest of the cast just kept piling on. Raquel and Scheana Shay couldn’t even be in the same room together since Raquel placed a restraining order against her former friend. James Kennedy also launched into a profanity-laced diatribe against Tom and the two almost got into a fight until Andy Cohen got them separated.

That is when Andy shocked the cast and the audience watching. He called out the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules in attendance, calling everyone but two of them hypocrites. His exact words were that they were an entire “group of cheaters.”

Andy calls Vanderpump Rules cast a ‘group of cheaters’

This didn’t go over well with the group, but Andy Cohen was basically right. He went through the list and left only two people in the room clean after he finished. He said that everyone in the room were cheaters except for Lisa Vanderpump and Katie Maloney.

Vanderpump Rules reunion / YouTube

Andy then went down the list. He said that James Kennedy slept with Kristen Doute while she was with Tom Sandoval. Ariana Madix cheated with Sandoval while he was with Kristen. Tom Schwartz “made out with literally everyone” while he was married to Katie. James Kennedy and Lala Kent had sex with each other while they were in relationships with other people. “No one in this group has clean hands except for Katie and LVP,” Cohen said.

The cast knew they were guilty, but they still tried to make excuses. James said he was in his 20s when that happened, while Tom is 40. Lala said that it was different because Raquel was supposed to be Ariana’s friend when she did it. Lisa Vanderpump even came to Tom’s defense, saying that a lot of people in the room did the same thing Tom did.

What are your thoughts on Andy Cohen’s comments? Is the entire Vanderpump Rules cast a “group of cheaters” with little room to talk? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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One Comment

  1. Rightfully so! Finally, Andy says what we’re all screaming from our sofas. Not one of them should be pointing fingers, least of all LaLa. How dare she jump down anyone’s throat (including Lisa’s) when she was the very one to split up a marriage, herself. We know it takes two and Randall was just as much at fault but LaLa firing off at Raquel like she’s scum is so outrageous! Sit the @!ck down LaLa! You’re no angel. And seriously, Ariana, your anger is over the top. Like you’re the first person on the planet to ever be cheated on? Good grief, girlfriend, get over it. SMH.

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