‘Curse of Oak Island’ Confirmed For Season 11

Marty on Curse of Oak Island / YouTube

As The Curse of Oak Island is about to wrap up Season 10, the confirmation of Season 11 is coming. While HISTORY has yet to make the announcement itself, an upcoming show promises that not only is it returning, but it will get a tease of what to expect next week.

Here is what fans need to know about the next season of the treasure-hunting show.

Curse of Oak Island returning for Season 11

The Curse of Oak Island ends Season 10 this week. Season 1 arrived on HISTORY Channel in 2014 and Season 10 arrived this year. Through it all, the guys on the team have found more conspiracies and theories than actual treasure. However, they seem to be getting closer to a breakthrough this season.

While the recent season ends very soon, there will be a show on TV next week called The Curse of Oak Island: Drilling Down. The description reads, “Matty travels to Travers City, Michigan to meet with Rick, Marty, Craig, Alex, and Jack to review the incredible discoveries made in Season 10, and get a jump start on what’s to come in Season 11.”

Rick on Curse of Oak Island / YouTube

This says two things. First, the group will talk about the discoveries made this season. The team hasn’t really found anything noteworthy this season when it comes to physical items. However, they did find possible underground tunnels and caverns. Yet, last week they looked like they were about to hit something and have a big breakthrough.

Of course, the biggest news here is that Matty will talk to the team about Season 11. Since this is the HISTORY description of the episode, it means there will be a new season. While Discovery hasn’t officially announced it, another season is coming.

What will happen in The Curse of Oak Island finale?

This week’s new episode of The Curse of Oak Island has the synopsis reading, “As new discoveries are uncovered in the triangle-shaped swamp and on Lot Five, the Oak Island team makes an incredible revelation in the Money Pit.” Last week, the team dug down and found a new tunnel that might have connected them to a previous tunnel they found.

Rick & Marty on Curse of Oak Island / YouTube

If there are two tunnels heading to each other, this could mean an underground vault could be near. Since the team is making an “incredible revelation,” there could be something big coming up this week. That is something the team will discuss on that special episode with Matty.

With a new season coming, there clearly won’t be a major discovery in the finale. The show wants to leave viewers wanting more next season. For fans who still dream of gold, Marty and Rick will be back for more in Season 11.

What are your thoughts about the confirmation of a new season of Curse of Oak Island? Are you ready for more? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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  1. I absolutely would love to see more. I have been watching since the first episode and will continue watching until there are no more. I have watched Soap Operas on tv that run longer than “The Curse of Oak Island”. lol. As a loyal watcher with no expectations, I would like to know the story (History) answers to the 5 W’s. Also I am a fellow “Blue Noser” from and living in Nova Scotia currently.

    1. My interest in Oak Island has never wavered since the first episode of Rick and the Fellowship began 10 years ago. I believe the most important finds are not treasures of gold and silver, but the relationships between the members of the Fellowship. What a daunting quest they are on and they are managing to keep the Fellowship going, in spite of all the foibles of human nature and the many disappointments their quest has unearthed.

      I wonder if any of you out there has heard about Haute Isle (High Island) which is located in the Bay of Fundy. This island was featured recently on the Canadian program Land and Sea. Apparently Samuel De Champlain landed there in the 1600’s. (1604)) What gripped my attention was they showed a stone filled depression which looked very similar to the one they found of Oak Island.

      It aired on 1205 CBC at on Feb ruary 03, 2023 I believe. The program showed that these depressions may be connected to the MIg Maw and tool making. I think this intriguing connection should be explored.

    2. Hello,
      towards the end of last season, the crew pulled a giant hoop out of the garden shaft with no further mention… any ideas?

      1. Hi Paul the rnd hoop was around a barrel which of course had rotted & left was the rnd hoop holding it together

      2. they also found a couple of lid pieces. I also have watch every show since the beginning I reaing hope they fond there teasure as they have put a lot of yrs into this not to speak of the money they must have spet getting started can hardly wait for Nov for next season. Carolyn

    3. They find a worm hole leading to Skinwalker Ranch at the bottom of the money pit. The Ancient Alien Theorist are going to help dig, lmbo. Looking forward to seeing the new season get started. Hopefully they will find the real connection between the Templars and the Portuguese involvement.

  2. I think they found what is in the tunnels already. Because once they reveal what they did or didn’t find the show will be over.

  3. Been watching from day one. I was curious about the under the island sonar that was discussed at the end of season 9 that would show everything under the island. That was not shared this year in season 10.
    Hoping they will find the ark of the e covenant. Also hope they won’t make us wait until November and th at they will give us special episodes when they are working spring of 2023 (as the show is typically a year behind.

  4. I also read that readers digest story when I was a child and always wondered why who and what and think most of the answers are within their grasp and am loving every second of it
    My thoughts go with templer connection I was born in the Azores and am proud of my ancestors contribution go find the treasure

    1. I too read that piece in Reader’s Digest as a boy. I will keep watching; but I must say that I am often disappointed in the show–and the narration drives me nuts.

      1. 10 minutes of show, and 30 minutes of the same repetition for ten years , if you dont know the names of the people on the show after ten years, hearing there names repeated every two minutes is a enormous waste of time, terrible show

        1. Ditto: THE WHOLE…and another person must die before the treasure is found…SIGH…..I sure hope that we do not have to wait until year end to find out what they are currently discovering right now since we know they are back on the island. Does anyone in the Nova Scotia area have an opportunity to give us any hints? I guess DUMAS is back drilling. THE film crews are back in town staying in hotels/eating in restaurants. SOMETHING…since Season 10 ended with Gary getting ‘gold/silver/copper???” hits down the shaft. BEEN a loyal watcher from season 1. HARD TO BELIEVE it has now been 10+ years. What a saga. I think of the millions of dollars that have been spent…and if they don’t find a treasure of gold/silver….wow!

      2. I HATE the narration, too. The pacing lacks everything but commercial breaks. The repetition has my granddaughter mocking the dialogue. Questioning inflection of narrator drives me nuts.

      3. Yes the narrator I find extremely irritating, but apart from that a good show, I do wish they would find something substantial, what they have found so far for the investment of millions of Dollars is underwhelming in the least, but I will keep watching.

  5. Historically very interesting, but the narrator’s voice and word cadence make me want to shut it off. show is quite frustrating at times.

  6. i have watched since episode 1 year 1 .. im sure we all want to help the team discover the treasure.. history channel cannot leave us hanging in the air.. i come home every Tuesday night and cant wait to see whats happening on the island.. as for me i willing to help the team with hands on help , as im sure the rest of us are willing to fly to nova scotia and lend a hand..

  7. I love the show. I’ve watched from the first episode to the finale of the 10th season. it just seems to me that, with all the tests coming back that indicate gold and silver plus the hits Gary got on the metal detector when he was down in the garden shaft, the treasure is still there and they WILL find it.
    With so many viewers having a vested interest in the outcome of their search, the history Channel should do well in keeping the show on the air. when Rick was making his eloquent speech in the season 10 finale, there wasn’t a dry eye in this house. I have to say, of all the members of the fellowship, Rick is my favorite. like me he is shy but also emotional in a good way. I have faith in their dream.

  8. I love this show. I been watching it since day 1 as well. I have faith they are going to find what is hidden. I cut cable a long time ago and each season I buy it and watch it on Vudu . Each week on Wednesday when a new episode is released. I’ve Also got drilling down as well. The problem for season 10 is I was not able to buy it to accommodate this season. Very disappointed that history channel will not allow you to watch it even with the app unless you have cable. I truly wished history channel would make it capable of purchasing their services like so many others have. Like starz etc. I get bummed out when the season is over. I don’t watch any other series but this and skin walker ranch. Season 10 was so good, I was so surprised at all the finds Gary found. That last brooch with a glass scroll in the middle is amazing. I’m happy that season 11 will be back , I can’t wait to see the new tunnels they will find. In the mean time. I will try to find a way to Watch drilling down. Best of luck to the team I can’t wait to see the next years season.

  9. I am so happy to hear season 11 will be coming! I love this show. Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week!!!!

  10. This is one of my favorite shows. Big fan of history and archaeology. Love the cast and crew. Can’t wait for season 11!!

  11. All filler, no thriller. The narration is tedious and insulting. If they do find actual treasure I wonder if the thieving Trudeau government will let them keep any of it.

  12. I love the show and would like for us to know the final result soon.
    I am getting older waiting for it.

  13. The first several years were exciting, as they were following clues, old maps, etc. These last few years, not so exciting, as they brought in excavators, drained the swamp, etc. Pretty soon there will not be much left of the island. Ha.

    One thing that has bothered me over the years. Why would the people who supposedly buried the treasure or whatever it is, go to all the work of burying it a hundred feet down and then “booby-trap” it so that no one could ever reach it, including them! If you really did not want anyone (or themselves) to find it again, why not just dump the treasure in the ocean and save all of the work. Doesn’t make sense, at least to me.

    1. I really hope that more than one mystery is solved but that at least one is solved relatively early in S11. Besides the treasure tunnel with the loot, we have potential knowledge and riches from the Knights Templar who were definitely on the island. Also the pr 1200 AD and earlier artefacts says the island was inhabited. The swamp has yet to give up definitive answers to whether or not a ship was purposely sunk there. There are still so many questions and I hope at least 1 is answered so that the other stories can continue

  14. Great Show ! Guess I’m Addicted to it by Now…I do hope that Rick, Marty and all the Team find some Gold Soon ! It would make Them and all of the Viewers Extremely Happy ! Keep Do’in it Guys ! Great Show !!!!!!

  15. The show is just… “Monotonous” (with Capital M), but the work/effort, money and time invested in the search is admirable.
    I knew from episode one that there was a Templar/Portuguese “Ordem de Cristo” connection to it. You just have to read any non-anglosaxon History book to know that the portuguese arrived to “North America” before Columbus… and the Vatican is… and was behind all this.
    My guess is that the treasure has already been found, thanks to the investement of Vatican Bank and is probably back to the biggest organization (A.K.A. the biggest thieves/Mafia) the world ever had … The Chatolic Church and its 40+ branches/flavors.

    1. And the Vikings arrived before the Portuguese, and the Irish (St. Brendan) arrived before the Vikings.

  16. Narrator repeats almost verbatim , what was previously said by members of the team. Maximum redundancy which has to stop. The curse part also needs to be taken out of the opening dialog. It is stupid and also disrespectful of those on the team. I love this show, but it needs some fine tuning after 10 years.

    1. I agree!!! Saying 1 more has to die sounds like they want 1 more person to die. No one can even say where the “curse came from!!!

  17. Been watching for years can’t wait for next season ,fascinating history ,just love all the people .wishing Rick and Marty there childhood dream x

  18. If it’s been renewed they’re back on the island now. If not, the longer they wait to dig, the chances become less and less.
    Like I said before, the only treasure to be found is what The History Channel pays them.

  19. I agree with the narration being unnecessary. It’s always “A NEW this or that discovered (where ever), has (whoever), just discovered a new clue to who. (did this or that), in the (wherever), (how many), years ago, and is it a new clue that will help Rick and Marty find the hidden treasure”? And then the music trails off before the break. Or Gary finds something like “Oh Wow look at this bobby dazzler it’s a …….” (And now a word from our sponsor). Frustrating.

  20. I have watched this show from season 1 episode 1 . They have found so many artifacts that there has to be something there this last season they have found a lot of clues that might lead to the Knights Templar. I am a hopeless person I would love for them to find the holy grail , and the ark of the covenant . What would happen if they were found who would get. Them what would the implication of these artifacts do to Christianity Jews Muslims . I want so much that they find something of historical value . I. Know Iam only one person but I believe that they will find something great

  21. I’ve been watching this quest for 10+ years. They producers are experts at “dragging” things out but I am almost 87 years old now and pray I will still be alive when they finally reach the end of their hunt. They have a ton of patience and Marty seems to be getting more frustrated. Getting as close as they are now and not allowed to continue until more permits are issued is the ultimate in the term “cliff hanger”. This “band of treasure seekers” is one strong group who have put up a lot of money to get this far. Hopefully they will finally make it all payoff and keep a ton of TV viewers very happy. Let’s hope there is no real curse and no one else has to die.

  22. I to have watched for 10 years. They are making alot of money on the show so why rush it ? I know they will not find anything but it is a treasure hunt ……I have tried to copy them, I have taken my grandchildren on 7 such treasure hunts but we find treasure always ! I enjoy setting up fake maps, semi valuable stuff and the excitement in their eyes when they dig up whatever I have “hidened”I have a hugh one planned for them next month with a 4′ by 2′ chest. It is taking me a long time in filling that chest,but the excitement when they open this one should be giant ! Maybe the producers or Oak island may want to buy this adventure they can call it “junior Oak Island ” ?

  23. I have watched this show from only season 10 and now I can’t wait for the next episodes to show fast enough I’m constantly sitting on the edge of my seat watching each episode I just can’t wait to see what treasure they come up with 🤔 I feel there is so much history on that island and I wish the crew a best of luck 🤞🏽👍🏽

    Hit that 🎯 Soon Guy’s

  24. I stream on History Channel the day after it airs so I can fast forward through all the unwanted narration. 20 minutes and I get all the action and what I needed to know. Enjoy the people and finds.

  25. Hollywood is tough everyone but the secret Oak island will give up one day will be priceless mark my words as long as the boys continue following the course. There is something timeless of great importance buried on oak and knowing the men their perseverance will bring it to light. All respect to you Rick and Marty keep following your intuition

  26. They are looking in the wrong place. An off set chamber or tunnel would lead uphill from the garden shaft. Uphill so it wound not get flooded. Look behind the garden shaft.


  28. I dont mind the voice of the narrator but as other people have said, the constant repetition of names and how a GPR works etc just wastes screen time and is boring as hell now.
    Other than that, I love the show and hope they find some resemblance of what they’re looking for.

  29. I don’t mind the way Robert Clotworthy narrates the Oak Island series. It’s different from other narrations but similar to the way he narrates another popular series. So I’d like to hear him say something like this:

    Tunnels? As low as 150 feet below Oak Island? Who could dig tunnels that deep? Could it be . . . Ancient Aliens?

    Ancient Alien Theorists . . . say “Yes.”

  30. love the show, but, if they have found gold they should announce it on season 11. Its time to tell and show the truth.

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