Melissa Gorga Breaks Silence On Termination Rumors

Whispers have been swirling in Bravoland that Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member Melissa Gorga was being fired from the show. For those who aren’t current on this story, it was during a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live that RHONJ fans believe Andy Cohen was dropping hints that her time on the series was coming to an end. Likewise, fans have also posed the question of whether her sister-in-law Teresa Giudice has the juice to persuade producers to give Melissa the boot.
Presently, the termination of Melissa Gorga from the Real Housewives of New Jersey is nothing more than a rumor. The Sun, however, managed to catch up with the Bravo personality recently. While attending the Second Chance Rescue’s 3rd Annual Rescue Ball in New York yesterday, Melissa broke her silence on the termination rumors while speaking.

RHONJ: Melissa Gorga breaks silence on termination rumors
Getting candid about the situation, the Bravo personality admits she has no idea what the network is planning to do nor does she have any idea if she will be part of the cast of Real Housewives of New Jersey for future seasons. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like The Sun was able to get many answers from Melissa Gorga other than confirmation that it was a “wait and see” situation.
Pushing her for some more details, the outlet asked if she thought her sister-in-law had “the power” to persuade producers to fire various cast members. Melissa Gorga shrugged it off noting that she really didn’t think Teresa had that kind of juice.

Melissa admitted she thought it was crazy how wildly out of control the rumor of her termination from the network became.
“I mean, I think that the Tre [Huggers] started the rumor and people went with it, which is crazy to me.”
As those who have been watching the latest season of Real Housewives of New Jersey know, it has been an action-packed series filled with lots of drama. The drama seemingly kicked off when Melissa was seemingly snubbed by Teresa after being asked NOT to be a bridesmaid at the wedding.
Unsurprisingly, fans have been eating up the drama as it has made the season a must-watch. But, a lot of fans have serious doubts about whether Melissa will return for another season after the way things have played out.

Do you think Bravo will terminate Melissa Gorga? Was Andy Cohen hinting at her termination? Or, do you think this is just a wild rumor that spun out of control? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Bravo news.
Update: Fans are saying they want Teresa Guidice out!
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I think it’s possible. All the drama behind wether or not Melissa stays or goes is only creating bigger storyline for which works to her advantage if the producers are thinking about letting her go. They’re more shady than the actual ladies!!!
if Melissa goes then so does there show on my television
I agree
Then bye, bye
I agree too! I won’t watch again. Teresa and Louie need to go! He’s a character and all the threats and investigations is ridiculous and sholdn’t be tolerated and I also will say so long to Andy’s talk show!
I am so hoping that this is Melissa and Joe’s last year, they have never had a story line but that they hate Teresa the entire time they were there. On the other hand Teresa has kept us watching and bared all of her life, the kids, the body building, troubles with her ex husband, selling her home, raising the kids, proms, college, dates, trips, divorce, marriage, Caretaker for her parents, her parents, cooking, cookbooks and signings, dating, even prison, she has kept the ball rolling and we want to see more now that she’s remarried and her girls are growing up or grown.
Let’s just hope Melissa and Joe get the boot. They are so boring and so irrelevant.
Why all the uglyness these days, Why not just enjoy the show an hope all the reality stars continue to make a living. Things today are already so darn hard and expensice. Just be kind and enjoy the show.
Girl bye , cause they need to go..
So are you dear!
Melissa and Joe for me this season made this show worth watching,Teresa needs to go this marriage is a scam without her marriage she had no story line once she divorced Joe she had no story once Prison ran it’s course.
We need Caroline back with a few other old cast. Brovo if they fire Melissa and Joe this will be another housewives franchise on the way out.
Totally agree
The only thing the Gorgas have in their story line is Teresa, They play it season after season.They cant get through a diner let alone a wedding without the drama. On Teresas wedding day would she really want Melisa up there with her rolling her eyes,or worse. i wouldnt,or melissas family talking bad about her. maybe they could actually get back together as a family if they werent on and didnt have to slam Teresa to make a spot in the show for themselves.
Teresa is a bully. If they fire Mellisa they encourage more bad behavior by Teresa. I am tired of the Teresa show so I will not be watching.
Amen her and her bullshit just listened to her last night in the car with her girls what was said about Joe and Melissa about not inviting them 🤔 she is Shady as hell 😡
Totally agree- the only reason I watch this whole crap show is Melissa and Joe- so over Teresa and her whole gang of thieves!
I feel the same, haven’t watched this season myself. Just can’t take anymore of Teresa is nothing but a bully.
Agree 100% Theresa is not nice. I have not seen someone so mean and never take accountability before. Bravo making mistake. Joe is a hoot
I agree 100 percent Teresa should go she is not a very nice person, she is selfish & too self indulged in herself. She has no common sense & does not see all the things she does wrong only what others do wrong even if she has done the same. She is for a Narcissist for sure.!
Totally agree team Gorga ATW!! If Melissa and Joe are not in the show I’m not watching. She’s the best and is pure!!!
Agree 100%
No matter what Tre does that is just awful in so many ways people support her.
OMG get rid of Theresa. She’s the cancer.
I don’t care for Joe and Melissa on this show.
I agree Karen,
Also who in the heck is Theresa besides an ex felon who flips over tables like a child.
Melissa and Joe have not caused any drama nor problems unlike Theresa the felon..
!Please Bravo! Fire Teresa! I can’t even count how many people I talk that agree! She is self-obsessed and believes SHE is Bravo’s greatest benefit! We don’t need her as there are many others that keep us entertained!
Teresa needs to go….shit stirrer with everyone. She is getting old and predictable! Bring Caroline back with Teresa out!
Frankly, i would LOVE to see Melissa GONE FOR GOOD‼️ I have NEVER cared much for her. I think she is jealous of Theresa, and that she alwas HAS been‼️ In my opinion, Melissa really doesn’t add much the storyline, and is BORING‼️
They need to keep her and get rid of Teresa. She is a vile nasty person, and they shouldn’t be shown on TV. Don’t we have enough violence in real life to be showing a bunch of rich people who don’t know how to act like humans and can’t even be kind to each other especially Teresa?
Teresa’s story has been the same since day 1 ! She gets physical when she gets pissed, she can’t control herself! She herself starts rumors ( lies)! And she’s dumber than a box of rocks!
couldn’t agree more. She really is a ugly person…Completely Narcissistic. I also hate that she brings her daughters into the lies she’s spreads about their Uncle and his wife…She’s awful!!!
if anyone should go its terrresa and louie I think there both bully’s im sure I read somwere the camera crew are fed up with louie hes a bully and demanding hes only with terresa because of the show time to let her go
And Teresa sure don’t have a story line without Melissa and Joe to degrade!
Teresa is a bully and makes up stories just to keep herself relevant. I stopped watching New Jersey Housewives two seasons ago because the way Teresa behaves and makes up stories about everyone is disgraceful. I think she needs to leave and we have to get back to the housewives enjoying each other and having fun instead of tearing each other down and screaming all the time
You are 💯 on 🎯. Perfectly articulated.
By being a trouble maker and being called a C word with a cheating husband, breaking the law makes the show and allowing her children to go through all of that I think on national tv!!
I can find something else more exciting to watch! She can read yet blamed her husband for everything while living it up in luxury paying cash for everything! I hate the show now it has taken such a sinister side since Louie showed up! Would love it if the whole cast refused to film with him he shook Frank’s hand cause he knows he can whoop his a$$!! The men all agreed it’s not the same anymore since Louie showed up and I agree!
Get rid of Teresa on her so cool I love bubble can’t stand either one of them
IF they are I. Fact booted I will never watch RHONJ again. The idea that you would keep a lying bullying drama queen is enough for me to say good bye.
I used to LOVE Theresa back in the day BUT she is no longer the same person. So done with her twisting the truth and back stabbing BS.
In all reality, they both think the show, but Teresa is a bully, no doubt about it.
She needs to be reprimanded if she needs to continue on the show.
If she can handle acting like a decent human being than I am, and she should leave the housewives of New Jersey
I wish they would learn to just get along it’s hard to watch them tear each other apart ! I think if Teresa doesn’t stop on her end she’s going to destroy Louie’s live for her , you can tell he hates all the drama but she just ignores him .
Well it’s about time Melissa and Joe get booted off the show. Melissa is all about herself, and poor Joe is just a whip pup. He’s let melissa treat his sister so bad with Margret, ( she should be fired as well) . If it wasnt for Treasa, nobody wouldn’t even know who Melissa and Joe was. she’s the one that got all this started when she got on the show. Melissa just wants fame, and it would be at anyone’s cost. She would get rid of Joe in a heartbeat if she thought she could be more famous. They have treated Treasa bad long enough, it’s time for them to go.
Mellisa and joe need to go. Their storyline is solely based on complaining about Teresa.
Teresa is teaching her daughters to follow on with the hate to their Aunt and Uncle.
She involves them in adult business.
I really have even gone off Gia.
These kids hear a one sided story.
Stop the hate Teresa you are so shady.
I agree!
Get rid of the whole show (housewives of Jersey )
Only good one is Dolores
Get rid of rest of them
So right!