‘Bachelor’ Gabi Elnicki Still Healing After Finale Humiliation

Gabi Elnicki via YOuTube 2

The Bachelor runner-up Gabi Elnicki is still not over the humiliation she felt after Zach Shallcross slept with her and told the world. Now that the finale has aired and Kaity Biggar and Zach are starting their lives in the public eye as an engaged couple, Gabi is sharing about the hurt she still feels. What does she have to say about the situation? Will it affect how she feels about Kaity and their friendship? Keep reading to find out more.

Gabi Elnicki not over humiliation

Gabi Elnicki spoke with Kaitlyn Bristowe last week and opened up more about the heartbreak she endured with Zach Shallcross. US Weekly shared all the details about the interview. It seems while Gabi does not hold grudges or have any resentment towards Zach, she’s still not handling the fact that he told the world they had been intimate.

In fact, the entire situation has made Gabi feel like she has been violated. She never believed Zach would break their secret and not only tell Kaity but tell the cameras. Plus will this all interfere with her friendship with Kaity?

She said, “Do I think I’m going to be, like, pals with Zach? No. Am I still angry and hurt? Absolutely. But he is going to hopefully marry one of my close friends and I plan to stay in Kaity’s life. And, you know, for me to hold hate toward him and anger and resentment — I’m hoping I can let that go at some point. But I do think that, at this point, I still feel violated. And I’m still getting over all of it.”

So, yes she wants to be friends with Kaity. However, for now, it’s all still very awkward and Gabi is still hurting.

Gabi and zach via youtube 2

She wants what’s best for Kaity

Gabi had nothing horrible to say about Zach. In fact, she shared that he is not a bad guy nor a mean guy or a vindictive guy. However, she believes that Zach told the world so he could potentially save his relationship with Kaity. With that being said, Gabi still wants the best for Kaity and she hopes Zach is it.

Gabi went on to say, “I’m upset and I’m disappointed and I have a lot of emotions, and some of them don’t necessarily have words, but I want the best for her. And so, if he makes her happy and he respects her, and he shows her, you know, love and he protects her, then I’m happy for them.”

Kaity Biggar and Gabi Elnicki youtube

When asked if Gabi was over Zach, she didn’t really have a direct response. She also revealed watching the show play out on television stirred things up inside her and it was hard to watch at times. Remember, the show actually wrapped filming back in November 2022. So, Gabi has had a lot of time to process things and she’s still not completely healed from her heartbreak.

What do you think about Gabi not being over Zach revealing they had sex in the fantasy suites?

Stay tuned for more updates.




Jamie Colclasure

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