‘Survivor’ 44 Conestant Finally Learns About Fake Idol

survivor 44 episode 4 sarah
Nick Davis


The player who came across a fake idol in Survivor 44 has finally spoken about the moment she knew it was fake.

Sarah, the most recently eliminated from Survivor Season 44, Episode 4, left with what she thought was an idol in her pocket. Only it wasn’t a real idol she held. It was the fake idol that Carolyn got from the bag in the birdcage. The regret felt by every player who leaves with an idol that could have been protection is immeasurable. So, how long did Sarah have to go thinking she could have saved herself when, really, she couldn’t? Did she learn before the Episode 4 premiere or did she find out along with the rest of the fans? She finally reveals this info in an exit interview with Rob Has A Podcast.

The Fake Idol

“I found out when everyone got back from the jury,” said Sarah in response to the question about her fake idol. “It was probably like two weeks that I didn’t know. A pretty torturous two weeks. During which time I just hoped. I didn’t know if it was fake, but that would make me feel so much better.”

survivor 44 episode 4 fake x
The fake X placed by Carolyn in ‘Survivor’ 44, Episode 4

So, there was a significant amount of time when Sarah had to stew in the idea that she left with a real idol. Thankfully she found out when filming for the season was over. It would have been a fairly huge revelation for her if she had only found out during the episode’s premiere last Wednesday.

There are a couple of other fake idols still in play in Season 44. At the moment they are actually both in the Soka tribe with Jaime and Matt. If they both come into play at the same tribal, it would be the first time in the history of the show that two fake idols have been played in a single tribal. Potentially a hilarious first for the show.

Survivor 44: All The Advantages

There are a lot of advantages in Season 44 of Survivor. So many that there are charts on Survivor fan pages to help viewers keep up with who has what. Idols, extra votes, lost votes, and those who still have Shot In The Dark are all still in play. Along with the fact that Sarah’s unused Inheritance Advantage will likely come back into play somehow.

Many fans are questioning if a reference sheet should be necessary to keep up with a laundry list of advantages currently in the game. It’s beginning to feel like advantages matter more than voting at this point. Hopefully, the advantages will clear out a little bit at some point and allow for some strategizing to take place.

survivor 44 sarah inheritance advantage
Sarah getting the Inheritance Advantage in ‘Survivor’ 44

Survivor Season 44 continues to air new episodes every Wednesday. Are you watching along?

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