Fans Have Big Question About Tammy Slaton’s Therapist

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1000-Lb. Sisters fans have a big question about Tammy Slaton’s therapist. After the reality star achieved her target weight to be eligible for bariatric surgery, she still has to have six sessions with her therapist to be approved. The 36-year-old is known for her aggressive behavior and abrasive personality towards her family and friends. She is often seen blaming them for her circumstances. However, the TLC star changed the dynamics after she lashed out at her therapist on a Zoom call. Now, fans are curious about the therapist. Keep reading to find out the details!

Tammy Slaton Doesn’t Like Her Therapist

The TV personality has struggled to lose weight and this has resulted in her becoming bitter. Time and again she has attempted to change her lifestyle. However, she always falls back into her old habits. In the Season 4 debut episode Tammy re-entered the rehab and during her recovery had to talk to her therapist, Dr. Connie Stapleton. However, after she learned that she gained 10 pounds, she didn’t want to talk to her therapist.

Tammy Slaton 1000-Lb. Sisters YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

In her confessional, she said, “I’m not really looking forward to the session and I don’t like therapists. I know my therapy is important, but it’s been a rough week. I gained 10 pounds. I’m really not in the mood to talk to anybody.” Throughout the session, Tammy Slaton was seen getting cranky and even refrained from talking about the issues that ail her emotionally.

Why Didn’t Tammy Slaton Get An On-Site Therapist?

Dr. Stapleton has been a part of other TV series such as 1000-Lb. Best Friends and Too Large. She also has degrees from the University of South Dakota, Iowa State University, and Texax A&M where she obtained her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology.

Tammy Slaton 1000-Lb. Sisters YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

However, on Reddit, fans wondered why Tammy had to opt for a session via Zoom instead of in-house sessions. The OP wrote, “Why does Tammy have a therapist on zoom? If she’s in a bariatric facility wouldn’t there be one on staff? Maybe not even full time but come to visit a group of patients? Do they have group therapy? I mean it can’t just be a place to live. I was so confused by the zoom.”

Tammy’s Ohio Rehab Isn’t Exclusive For Morbidly Obese Patients

A fan answered the OP’s query and stated that she isn’t at a bariatric facility, but in a nursing home/rehabilitation center that caters to dementia patients. She was admitted to the facility as it has essential equipment for morbidly obese patients. Given that it isn’t an exclusive rehab for obese patients, it doesn’t have on-site therapists.

Tammy Slaton Dr. Connie Stapleton 1000-Lb. Sisters YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

What do you think of Tammy Slaton’s therapist Dr. Connie Stapleton? Share your thoughts in the comments and check back with TV Shows Ace for more on 1000-Lb. Sisters!

Allie Johnson

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