Real Reason Mykelti Padron Fell In Love With Hubby Tony?

Mykelti Padron - Tony Padron Instagram

It is no secret that Mykelti’s husband Tony Padron is an acquired taste among Sister Wives fans. Initially, most fans of the TLC series didn’t care for Tony. In fact, the only thing Tony really had going for him was the fact that fans hated Kody Brown even more and Tony challenged him. Over the years, fans have doubled down on the fact that Tony Padron is just a strange character. Even his and Mykelti’s wedding is something that hasn’t sat well with Sister Wives fans.

With the birth of Avalon being featured in Season 17 and fans knowing that Mykelti and Tony just welcomed twins into the world in reality, the couple comes up as a frequent topic of conversation. In fact, a question popped up on Reddit recently about this controversial couple. What is it exactly that Mykelti sees in her husband? What is it about him that works for her?

Kody Brown - Tony Padron Youtube
Kody Brown – Tony Padron Youtube

Turns out, the OP that started the thread wasn’t just asking the question. The OP believed they had the answer to the question. They admitted they didn’t care for Tony. And, they thought the wedding was cringe-worthy. But, they did understand why he was kind of perfect for her.

Oddball Tony Padron was just what Mykelti needed?

In a very lengthy thread on Reddit, one fan admits they don’t care for Tony Padron. They found the wedding to be awkward and they consider him to be a real oddball. Moreover, they aren’t denying the fact that he’s an incredibly selfish person. They, however, also believe that Tony is such a strong-headed individual that he’s just what Mykelti needed.

It is no secret that growing up as a child under the thumb of Kody Brown forced Mykelti and her siblings to be submissive and cooperative. Mykelti and her siblings ended up being caretakers to their younger siblings instead of actually getting to enjoy their childhood. They had to shove their opinions down deep inside of them because their father Kody believed he was the only one allowed to have them.

Tony Padron - Mykelti Padron Instagram
Tony Padron – Mykelti Padron Instagram

Being as strong-willed and opinionated as he is, Tony Padron was never willing to back down or bow to Kody. Moreover, he is also willing to fight tooth and nail for his wife Mykelti. And, fans believe that being the selfish and stubborn oddball that he is makes him perfect for Mykelti.

The OP penned on the Reddit thread: “I notice she is always more quiet on things that the parents/family disagree with, almost ready to bend or compromise. Whereas Tony, he will stay super stubborn. He doesn’t give the option of others to add their opinion and I think Mykelti really likes that. It allows her to not have to compromise what she wants either and Tony fights that battle for her.”

Do you agree that despite his quirks, Tony Padron is perfect for Myelti? Let us know in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news.

Allie Johnson

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