Meri Brown Continues Lying To Herself & Everyone Else

Meri Brown cannot just be honest about her lifestyle. Fans consistently call her out on social media about the lies she perpetuates on a regular basis. This time, she has a new Instagram post and though she is making a claim about her life, fans are calling her out. They want her to wake up and see the truth that is all around her. Yet is she capable of doing so? That is a very tough call.
Meri Brown Continues Lying To Herself & Everyone Else
As Kody’s first wife, Meri has never officially let herself realize that she is not a part of the family anymore. Kody has said that they have nothing between each other. It is more of an obligation to get to the Celestial Kingdom which is where they can all be reunited with one another in the afterlife. Yet, both Kody and his fourth wife, Robyn have said that they would understand if Meri were to leave and find someone new. Fortunately, her life outside of the family is incredibly busy and fulfilling
Meri works like crazy for LuLaRoe and they are constantly traveling all over the place. Furthermore, she runs her B&B in Parowan, Utah. There, her best friend, Jenn is the manager so she loves spending time at the inn. However, she is repeatedly on her Instagram preaching about kindness and saying how she loved her life. The fans and her followers tell her she needs to practice what she preaches. That means being kinder to former sister wife, Christine.
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It also means respecting herself and leaving her toxic marriage that has been over for more than a decade. In her newest post, Meri is beaming in a bright yellow sweatshirt with the caption: “Just over here Vibin’ & Thrivin’ 😁 That is all.” She followed it with the hashtag #LoveWhoIAm. Of course, her followers jumped right on her for continuing to lie to herself and, quite frankly, everyone else.
What The Fans Have To Say
Enough is enough. Meri Brown’s fans and followers think she needs to open up her eyes and just realize that she is spewing lies on a regular basis. They believe that Kody and Robyn are solely using her for her money and she needs to wake up and realize this. “Why do have to always post that you are doing “so great” are you trying to convince us or yourself?” one follower inquired. Another added: “Living the life but pissy at Christine for leaving, a little bit of a double standard isn’t it.”
Finally, one follower called out the actual fans for even commenting: “You are ALL wasting your breath. She has no self worth, and he has no intention of leaving.” At this point, Meri seems to want Sister Wives fans to believe that she is satisfied with her life after how pathetic she is portrayed on the show. Whether she really is content is truly debatable.
Do you think Meri loves her life or is she just protesting too much? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.
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Meri don’t let Kody use you for your money. He has said he doesn’t love you and you could leave anytime! Meri wake up and get the life you deserve. Kody is a weirdo and you deserve better! He is solely in love with just Robyn and he neglects all his other children with the other wives. I know your attitude is not good but it’s because you are very unhappy. Live your life and ditch that dick!
You are 100% correct! Kody is a narcissist lunatic! Kody and Robyn belong together! Meri needs to wake up! Kody has no desire to be with her. Robyn won.🤪
Not only that but Meri said “why would I go to Christine’s goodbye party when she has said she needed space from Meri and Sobyn and didn’t want a relationship with her so Meri didn’t go. And yet, here’s Kooky sayin the same thing and Meri wont leave. WTF Meri? You never knew how to communicate with anyone so that’s your problem. But hey if u want to show ur insecurities and how you will kiss ass to try to he included in Kookies and Sobyns life, u go girl. a life is too short for you to kiss ass on people who expect you to kiss ass. Too bad so sad for you and we might be haters now cuz you play the “dumbass” game. Good luck on that!!!
Give me a break already! Meri IS NOT a “sister wife” anymore! She DIVORCED Cody so he could legally marry she devil Robyn & adopt her 3 pre-teens/teenagers. And they NEVER had a recommitment ceremony, and oh yeah didn’t Meri get catfished? If the person online were real, would she have left? Ever since she devil Robyn came into the picture how much interaction with his other “wives” & children have we really seen? That arrogant A’HOLE Cody couldn’t even go with his daughter Ysabella to NJ for her surgery!! How caring, loving, concerned of a father was/is he?
Meri likes attention any way she can get it and by staying around the others and being on television she is just as greedy if not more than Cody & Robyn!! Let’s not forget Meri is the reason for she-devil Robyn being in the picture.
See what you get when you invite the devil in Meri? Celestial Kingdom? What???? I think that’s all shot to hell, don’t you?
TLC should CANCEL this show, Cody should give a substantial sum of money to Janelle beings she supported his children and” wives” all these years not to mention the fact that she lived in a camper when she should have been offered to stay in Meri or Robyn’s homes.
Never give the devil a ride, he’ll want to take over the driving.
I’m not going to beg Meri to do anything. She’s a grown a#! woman. If she really thinks she is vibing & thriving, then she honestly doesn’t want to try & find another husband. Who can blame her since her choice in Kody appears to have been so horribly wrong.
By the way, Christine is blossoming & borrowing Meri’s phrase here, Christine appears without needing to convince anyone, is the one that’s really Vibin & Thrivin! in Utah. Pray Truely is as well. She looks great & has chunked more baggage than now ex husband Kody.
She’s lost so much weight!! So proud of her!
To both Janelle & Christine, please do NOT believe the Browns Family are having cash problems, MAINLY due to the cost of the girls weddings, a very large part seems to be due to Robyn’s self proclaimed “loved the finer things in life” & her husband Kody seem to be continuing to live far above their means including their McMansion.
Not these too very strong women! Keep on Keeping On!
I so agree with Pat. Cody to me seems like a selfish, little baby…. That last show with Christine leaving, him throwing Christine under the bus of how Christine never liked Robyn. Never once did he use “we” it was always me, me, me!
Of course Christine was/is jealous, she had mentioned that last season! you spend all your time with Robyn, these last couple of years… oh yeah the Pandemic. but that didn’t stop you from your friends wedding!
shame on you for not going with Christine for YOUR daughters surgery!!
Very selfish man, if it’s not your idea you complain it was stupid, your not very supportive……..
Meri you got catfished (sorry) it was not your fault, but you did reach out for someone to love you , so that being said you know your emotional needs are not as a sister wife. Please forgive yourself for that failure but you are screaming to be loved and appreciated by a wonderful partner. Life is too short, you are a wonderful woman and you deserve more. Take off your colored glass and spread your wings.
come on meri kody clearly tells you that you can go cause he doesn’t have any feelings for you girl where is your pride you can do better than that go have a beautiful life and be loved by someone who deserves you
For one thing Kody DOES not love Robin or anyone but himself!! Robin is just easier to manipulate and he can tolerate her presence. That’s it. Nothing else. Quit making all the other wives feel any worse than they already feel about the situation. Robin didn’t “win” the prize! lol. The other 4 in fact are the winners!
I am so tired of Cody and Robin‘s narcissistic ways. Sister wives has finally run its course. Meri it’s time to move on. You’re just like a third wheel. I actually feel sorry for you because you look like a lost pup waiting for someone to take you home.
I’m excited to see what Christine and Janelle are going to do next… I pray that God blesses them with all the goodness they deserve in their new endeavors!!
Perfectly said! Meri needs to find her courage and her self respect and leave that wing nut with the cry baby and move on to better days!
It’s possible Meri is living her best life..Keeps us all talking and watching what happens next. Each cast member has a part to play, Meri is the puppy that keeps getting kicked and goes right back to her owner. Always putting her hands up Pick me Pick me knowing full well he will never pick her .She likes having all of us pity her. She feeds off of it. If she was smart people would respect her like they do Christine. Meri should learn from Christine and start her own life. That would be a show worth watching.
It is extremely difficult to NOT lie to yourself when one has learned to disassociate yourself when ones partner brings in new wives when ever he wants and you will tolerate that abuse to the marital vows. It will take time for her to face her own truth.
Meri is a cash cow sadly so is Jannell why they continue to pay for Robin when she is so lazy she can’t even handle raising her own kids they pay for her and those kids, wonder who paid off her bills and the honeymoon she and kody went on?
Well Ladies It goes both ways. Robyn is a good all around person. Meri you do you if you want to stay with the family so so but your only hurting yourself by not getting involved family drama. Janelle has been on her own just as long as Meri, Well Christin just found her worth. Robyn does love Know dy n Kody loves Robyn solid relationship if Kody can get over his hurt feelings. Kody really is embarrassed by Christin she was the the one who said enough is enough n Janelle is getting the big picture. good luck all,No one is the bad guy families with multiple husbands or wives doesn’t work someone is always being left behind. Great move for christin. bravo for having the guts to set yourself free
Meri u are just happy being alone stop pretending u are with Kody no one cares that u are away from those weird people or maybe u hanging on for the shows paycheck can’t blame u there
Meri are you that desperate to stay in a relationship that is not working Cody does not love you the only one he loves is Robin you must be on hallucinating drugs to think it will ever work they are using you for your money to keep the family going but only for Robin family take a hard look at what Robin’s got compared to you and Janelle you may not care for Christine but at least she had the balls to get out Robin is a selfie money hungry little witch and ugly as my dogs ass .I may not much but I do have love
Who’s ready for a new show about Christine and Janelle with their children. It surely would be a better show than Sister Wives has become. I would watch that because these two women are truly vibing and thriving away from Kody and the other two wives. Christine, you keep on grooving! Janelle, keep sticking up for yourself and be happy.
Meri!…why do you keep running after Kody who don’t want you at all? He even said that he don’t love you and can “never” be intimate with you.
You’re just lowering your morals by doing that. Wake Up Meri!! You can’t force yourself on him to be an Adulterous, as he don’t want any part of you. He just tolerates you now.