Todd Chrisley Heads To Slammer As Nanny Faye’s Health Declines

Todd Chrisley (along with his wife Julie and his accountant Peter) are all headed to the slammer while Nanny Faye’s health is reportedly on the decline. Has there been an official update on Nanny Faye’s health? What do fans know? Keep reading for the details.
Todd Chrisley heads to slammer as Nanny Faye’s health declines
According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, both Todd and Julie attempted to use Nanny Faye’s declining health as a get-out-of-jail-free card. On Julie’s behalf, the argument was made that in addition to taking care of Grayson and Chloe, she also takes care of Todd’s mother Nanny Faye. As fans know, Nanny Faye is currently battling bladder cancer. This was information that got leaked when Todd and Julie first went to court for their crimes.
On his podcast, Todd Chrisley explained that his mother wanted to fight cancer privately. She didn’t want her ailment to be in the spotlight. So, they hid it from everyone. After Todd and Julie started going to court, he realized he needed to open up about it because it was going to come out in court. And, he wanted to get the real story out there first.

When did fans see her last?
The last time fans saw a current photo of Nanny Faye was when Chase Chrisley proposed to Emmy Medders. Nanny Faye was all smiles in the photo and Chrisley Knows Best fans appreciated the update. Fans, however, couldn’t help but noticed Nanny appeared to have lost some weight, which was extremely common for someone battling cancer.
Learning Nanny Faye has leaned on Julie Chrisley for caregiving support, has caused the hearts to sink as it sounds as if her health has taken a turn for the worst. Fans are assuming that needing Julie as a caregiver means Nanny Faye is having trouble doing things on her own because of her declining health. Unfortunately, there really hasn’t been an official update on Nanny Faye’s cancer.

Does your heartbreak knowing Nanny Faye has to battle bladder cancer without her son Todd and daughter-in-law Julie by her side? Did you realize Nanny’s health had declined to the point that Julie was helping take care of her? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more Chrisley Knows Best news.
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Stagger their sentences until Nanny Faye goes to Heaven. How would you feel if your child was in jail !
I completely agree
I Totally 💯 Agree ! There Are People Out There Doing Murders & So Much More Horrible Things That Don’t Get Half This Time ! I Feel The Justice System Failed Them ! Especially Being That They Have Kids & An Ailing Mom ! I Mean They Got Hammered And It’s Truly Sad & Unfair!
Hold their sentencing until we see what happens with Donald Trump he’s charged with the same crimes in New York and remains a free man He also sent a mob on the capital to overturn an election because he didn’t want to leave the power he had if he had stayed he would have become worse than hitler and his family came from Germany and he was born here shortly after
I’m disgusted with the system we got people in the White House has done worse than that and none of them are in prison.I get it if they did it they need to pay some sort of punishment but putting them in prison is not what they deserve.
Amen that’s the truth
Agree seems too much punishment Rotten system
I totally agree with you. The government steals from the American working people daily.
Most murderers don’t get as much time as Todd and Julie got. It’s ridiculous!
They broke the law and had their time and probably good Attorney in court to prove their innocence and if Nanny Faye and Chloe were so important that they didn’t think about them when they were breaking the law then I find it hard they now are stooping so low as to use them as excuses to try and get the court to let them plan their time to be served LOL only feel bad for the kids and Nanny Faye. What they did was wrong and they got caught so do the time
I have read different stories I can’t help but feel they are making a example of Todd n Julie. not saying if they did wrong they shouldn’t be punished but I think considering the kids n nanny Faye they could stagger sentence. n I really wish them all the best even after they get out. n sending prayers for nanny
I don’t think they should go to prison, they should keep the show on and pay back what they took . They aren’t a dangerous threat to anyone !
I say start a show from prison
I think they should keep the show pay back every dime with interest. house arrest can’t leave their house or property and if you really want to punish Todd take away all his clothes and shoes . How are they going pay back what they took in prison ?
They make money every time a “Chrisley Knows Best” episode runs on tv. These people are far from being destitute. Todd announced, before leaving for prison, that they are in the process of making a documentary that will show the “truth”. Watch for a book to come out as well.
I feel that they should keep the show and pay what they owe. if possible be on probation for several years and do community service. The judicial system is unfair sometimes, there are plenty of politicians and business men who have done worse. may God be with them. His mother and young children need Todd and Julie.
If Trump cant be punished y should they be
Its wrong
Trump should be in prison too then for breaking law.
Trump? How about Hunter Biden? Joe Biden? James Biden? Adam Schiff? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? I could go on and on….but clearly I am wasting my time.
Look at Al Sharpton owing over $4 million in federal taxes and we know the only reason he’s not in jail is the color of his skin. Willie Nelson only owed $2 million and they took everything he owned!!!!
praise the lord he’s the biggest fraud in the federal money scam needs life in prison trump should be prosecuted
their sentences are harsh and unfair and to say our justice system is substandard has always been a foregone conclusion and in my opinion a disgrace a d should be embarrassed and ashamed to hand down such a harsh sentence for the crimes they are guilty of when murderers rapists mollesters and terrorists that dont get that many years!
This has really upset me what happened to Todd&Julie. They have a awesome show and I know in my heart they are good people. There are people that kill people and don’t get this much time in jail. This is very sad bc nanny Faye needs them and now they won’t be able to be with her during this time. How would u feel if your mom has cancer and you couldn’t b there?
The person system is so full and the government is just getting greedy Make a payment plan with these people and let them pay you back the money that they have gotten under false pretenses. and at that point if they don’t pay it back then discuss more legal actions. it just seems like we put people in jail for the stupidest stuff and the ones that are really needing some jail time or send it home plotting their next rampage.
I agree with you. There are others out there that needs to be dealt with. I agree 1000percent.
You do the crime You doThe Time. That’s everyone in The U S..No matter how old you are…Follow the Law. They’re all con artists. As for the rest of the family, they all profited what Todd & Julie did.. Of course their going to play the sympathy card. Even use our Lord in Vain. How sad. Deflect the viewers who watch them on TV. Faye can be cared for by Senior Care. Or go to a Care facility.. She can afford it when there are those who can’t. I’m proud of the FBI & Procecutors for doing their job.
I also think they should pay for their crimes they got away with the first indictment they should have start living within they means , but no they got greedy and this is how they in up . I really like nana Faye and praying for her but there’s no easy fix except the family have come together, also there are a lot of people in jail away from they families for the decision they make.
Probation I say! my God rapists and molesters don’t do this much time!
They should make restitution and do community service let them care forNanny and raise their children
Our government has been stealing from us for years! Most should be in jail
Child abusers should be locked up for ever as well
I soo agree with you, the government is so corrupt ,president Trump is still getting away with s*** like what are you doing to these poor people sometimes i cant believe im an American, yes give him community service go house arrest for jail prison come on SMH this is just not right,I agree with you 100 percent
I do feel bad for the kids and Nannie Faye but Todd and Julie knew what they were doing and it was wrong. They need to serve something, either jail time or probation. if they do not, they would have kept doing it. mind you, it does seem a little steep of an sentence but somehow, they needed to be taught “you play, you pay””.
What is the point of putting them away for yrs?
I say make them sell their possessions, get jobs and
pay back what they owe. I still strict rules to obey.
Some of these judges need a serious reality check.
Best wishes to Nanny Faye.
The point of the prison sentence is justice. The punishment for the crime is the loss of freedom. It’s not a loan they defaulted on, they stole millions from the government and the banks. You cant just say pay back the money and it’s over. What deterrent would there be for others who might consider they can commit the same sort of crime?
I love the show I hate this has happened to this family I’m praying for The family
my prayers to Nanny Faye, Savanah, Chase, Grayson and Chloe. They did nothing to make them suffer.
The values of life that Todd and Julie taught their children when growing up takes my mind to the possibility of innocent on all counts. They appear to have been framed especially since their accountant plead guilty. They both taught their children and grandchild the real values of life while on tv for the whole world to see. I believe them to be good people including Todd’s precious mother, Nanny Faye. Our prayers are with them all daily. I also believe that prison life is NOT what they deserve. We are talking money in this case, not murder or bodily harm to anyone. Let them repay if they are guilty and let that be the end of it! Nanny Faye needs them now more than ever and they need to all remain together as a family to help support her. Love and prayers for all in the family during this difficult time.
This is such a miscarriage of justice the punishment does not fit the crime and this family seem to be really good people and what good comes from locking them up that long I love their show since the beginning. They are a family alot of us wish we could have that much love in our lives.Nanny we and pray for you daily Keep your faith # 1 fan from Texas
I think Todd & Julie should be held accountable for breaking the law and should have to repay every dime back! They should get rid of their luxuries and live like regular people by going to a job everyday. No fancy clothes, dinners, or vacations until money is returned.
I think that much time in prison is a bit much!
I feel sad for the entire family especially Nanny Faye. I pray that the Lord put his loving arms around all of them during this difficult time.
I feel sorry for Chrisley children and nanny Faye. Hopefully they don’t get punished for what Todd and Julie did. I always heard the more money you got the more you want.todd has proven that. I wish they would let chase and savannah keep there show growing up Chrisley they did nothing wrong. How come they got punished and lost there show
I like them , was one of my favorite shows. But if they are truly guilty then yes they should serve time. If they were Jim and Susan Jones from any town USA everyone would think they should do prison time. That was 30 million. They could never pay that back.aybe they will get an appeal. If they are innocent then I hope that is proven.
My Mom was a little older than Nanny Faye when she died with bladder cancer. It was during Covid and she was very scared to go to the hospital, but went and got her second surgery. She never woke up. Bladder Cancer is a bad one and is one of the worst at their age. I agree with everyone about their punishment being too much. They should be out helping her while paying back the money. Murderers receive no jail time and robberies are a dime a dozen without even having to post bail to get out. It is sickening! Hit the pill mills in Mexico and China and put these government dictators in prison! Today they said the little children escorted in our country are being given I-Phones that are loaded with porn. I truly feel that the Biden family are running these cartels. Nothing they tell us is true. They killed many without even testing for Covid. My husband of 50 years was one of them. No symptoms or signs of Covid but treated with the poison! Not even sick. I feel so sorry for Nanny Faye. She is a strong lady and I wish them the best with her and hopefully the kids will pull her through. I know that the kids are really feeling a loneliness no one understands unless isolated from your family when you are dying! Why in the world do people blame everything on Trump. At least he is on the side of good versus bad! He couldn’t even begin to break the laws these people are breaking with the invasion of our country. I hope everyone admits to the carnage that is being put on these people and the hard working citizens of this land. When they outright say they our going to take our protection all hell will break loose. God Bless the USA and the ones keeping us alive and together. It’s definitely will not be the ones destroying everything now!
100% Miss Marilyn!
what a kind heart u have! look in your own home & look closely at your family & friends b4 u r sooooo
ready to have such a cruel comment to others
It’s crazy a Judge to use their power to do this. Someone higher and greater will correct it. Always does!!
what is wrong with Nanny Faye. she is a love
I think “white collar” criminals who are not violent, and not a risk to the personal safety of others should be diverted to a different track in terms of “corrections”. They love money. They love wealth. They love living a lifestyle where money is no object. They are also smart, well-educated people. Instead of sticking them in a cell and society having to pay to support them, they need to have all their assets and funds frozen, where they can not access them and put on an allowance from the justice people, live where they are told to live, restricted in all activities, and made to work to pay back what they have stolen from their victims. It is possible to lose your freedom and not be behind bars. And this could, in many ways, be more painful for them. Make an example out of them, not hide them behind the walls of a prison where lots of bad behavior can still happen. Imagine Todd and Julie, for example, living in an apartment where they have to earn money from a job, have those earnings held by a third party, be given a budget for basic living only, monitored and on curfew, and be deprived of a high-end lifestyle. With the threat of prison if they misbehave.